Maryland Statutes
Part I - Definitions; General Provisions
Section 7-103 - Studies

(a)    (1)    The Secretary shall continually conduct studies on the needs of units of the Executive Branch of the State government and of private entities to which the State appropriates money.
        (2)    To obtain the information that the Secretary wants in estimating the needs of the unit or entity, the Secretary may:
            (i)    question any officer or employee of the unit or entity; and
            (ii)    examine the records of the unit or entity.
    (b)    The Secretary shall:
        (1)    continually compare the needs of the units of the Executive Branch of the State government and of the private entities with the revenues that are collected;
        (2)    prepare estimates of revenues that will be available for the State budget;
        (3)    prepare any other estimates of revenues that the Governor requests;
        (4)    study the revenue structure of the State;
        (5)    evaluate the sources of State revenues; and
        (6)    recommend to the Governor:
            (i)    appropriate changes in the revenue structure of the State; and
            (ii)    new sources of State revenues.
    (c)    (1)    The studies of the units of the Executive Branch of the State government shall include:
            (i)    program analyses; and
            (ii)    careful consideration of the administration, organization, functions, and duties of the units, to identify duplication or overlap.
        (2)    On the basis of the studies, the Secretary shall report to the Governor on changes that the Secretary believes would result in economy or efficiency or otherwise would be in the State’s best interest, including:
            (i)    elimination or reduction of State programs;
            (ii)    abolition of positions;
            (iii)    changes in procedures; and
            (iv)    reorganization or consolidation of units.
        (3)    The Secretary shall send a copy of each report under this subsection, subject to § 2-1257 of the State Government Article, to the Executive Director of the Department of Legislative Services.