Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 9 - Complete Streets Program
Section 8-905 - Adoption of Policy by Local Government

(a)    A local government that has adopted a complete streets policy in accordance with subsection (b) of this section may apply to the Department for designation as a certified jurisdiction.
    (b)    (1)    A complete streets policy adopted by a local government shall:
            (i)    Identify the body, entity, or individual responsible for implementing the Program;
            (ii)    Require the development of procedures to follow when conducting local road repairs, upgrades, or expansion projects to incorporate complete streets design features;
            (iii)    Facilitate projects to achieve the goals established under § 8–903(b) of this subtitle;
            (iv)    Require the establishment of a review process for private development proposals to ensure complete streets components are incorporated into new construction according to terms specified by the local government;
            (v)    Set a 5–year goal for an increased mode share of specified modes of transportation other than single–occupancy motor vehicles;
            (vi)    Require the development of a program to meet the goal established under item (v) of this paragraph;
            (vii)    Comply with any other requirements that the Department considers necessary; and
            (viii)    Be approved by the Department.
        (2)    A local government shall hold at least one public hearing prior to the adoption of a complete streets policy.