Maryland Statutes
Part IX - Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 8-657 - Relocation of Water or Sewer Lines

(a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
        (2)    “Federal facility” includes:
            (i)    An installation of the armed forces of the United States; and
            (ii)    Any property owned or leased by an agency of the United States.
        (3)    “Federal project” means a State highway project that is:
            (i)    Financed in whole or in part with federal funds; and
            (ii)    Designed to enhance access to a federal facility.
        (4)    “Publicly owned utility” means a utility owned or operated by a political subdivision of the State or by a public agency created under the laws of the State.
        (5)    “Relocate” includes to realign, raise, lower, rebuild, or remove.
    (b)    If, due to a federal project, it is necessary to relocate any water or sewer line of a publicly owned utility, the Administration shall:
        (1)    Notify the political subdivision or agency that owns the utility of the estimated cost of relocating the water or sewer line; and
        (2)    Investigate funding sources to help the political subdivision or agency that owns the utility to meet its share of the cost of relocating the water or sewer line and, if needed, to develop a payment plan.