Maryland Statutes
Part I - Administration in General
Section 8-204 - General Powers and Duties of Administration

(a)    In addition to the specific powers granted and duties imposed by this title, the Administration has the powers and duties set forth in this section.
    (b)    The Administration may adopt rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this title.
    (c)    (1)    The Administration shall:
            (i)    Determine and may change from time to time the location, construction, geometrics, design, and maintenance of the State highway system; and
            (ii)    1.    If there is a State highway within the limits of an area that a local government has designated as a bicycle and pedestrian priority area, make a determination on whether the Administration should also designate the area as a bicycle and pedestrian priority area:
                A.    On or before September 30, 2016, if the local government notified the Administration of its designation on or before September 30, 2015; or
                B.    Within 1 year of notification, if the local government notifies the Administration of its designation on or after October 1, 2015; and
                2.    If the Administration and a local government each designate an area as a bicycle and pedestrian priority area, implement a plan developed in cooperation with the local government to increase safety and access for bicycle or pedestrian traffic.
        (2)    If there is no State highway within the limits of the bicycle and pedestrian priority area, the plan shall be developed by the local government.
        (3)    A plan for traffic management in a bicycle and pedestrian priority area shall provide for:
            (i)    Appropriate changes to the location, construction, geometrics, design, and maintenance of the State highway system to increase safety and access for bicycle or pedestrian traffic in the bicycle and pedestrian priority area; and
            (ii)    The appropriate use of traffic control devices including pedestrian control signals, traffic signals, stop signs, and speed bumps.
    (d)    The Administration may consult, confer, and contract with any agency or representative of the federal government, this State, or any other state or with any other person in furtherance of the duties of the Administration and the purposes of this title.
    (e)    (1)    Subject to § 2-103.4 of this article, the Administration may employ engineers, accountants, professional and technical experts, surveyors, skilled and unskilled laborers, advisors, consultants, and any other agents and employees that it considers necessary to carry out its powers and duties.
        (2)    Any employee of the Administration may be bonded under Title 9, Subtitle 17 of the State Government Article.
        (3)    The Administration may determine the compensation of executive management positions, as recommended by the Secretary of Transportation and approved by the Governor, subject to approval in the budget.
    (f)    The Administration may purchase any machines, tools, implements, appliances, supplies, materials, and working agencies that it considers necessary to carry out any of its powers or duties under this title.
    (g)    The Administration may rent or lease any offices and other places that it considers necessary to carry out its powers and duties.
    (h)    By rules or regulations consistent with the safety and welfare of the traveling public, the Administration may govern the control and use of rest areas, scenic overlooks, roadside picnic areas, and other public use areas within State highway rights-of-way.
    (i)    The Administration shall:
        (1)    Plan, select, construct, improve, and maintain the State highway system; and
        (2)    By July 1, 1997, in coordination with local governments, draft a plan for a bicycle priority route system that provides a viable network for bicycle transportation throughout the State.