(a) Commercial harvesting of trees by selection, or by the clear-cutting of loblolly pine and tulip poplar, may be allowed to within 50 feet of the landward edge of the mean high water line of tidal waters and perennial tributary streams, or the edge of tidal wetlands, provided that the cutting is conducted in conformity with COMAR 27.01.05 and with a buffer management plan that is prepared by a registered professional forester and is approved by the Department.
(b) The plan shall be required for all commercial harvests within the buffer, regardless of the size of the area to be cut, and shall contain at a minimum the following requirements:
(1) Disturbance of stream banks and shorelines shall be avoided;
(2) The area disturbed or cut shall be replanted or allowed to regenerate in a manner that assures the availability of cover and breeding sites for wildlife and reestablishes the wildlife corridor function of the buffer;
(3) The cutting may not involve the creation of logging roads and skid trails within the buffer; and
(4) Commercial harvesting practices shall be conducted to protect and conserve the habitat protection areas in accordance with COMAR, .03, .04, and .05.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 18 - Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Protection Program
Section 8-1801 - Declaration of Public Policy
Section 8-1802 - Definitions; Parties Subject to Obligation Imposed by Subtitle
Section 8-1804 - Composition, Compensation, Terms, Vacancies, and Quorum of Commission
Section 8-1805 - Commission Staff
Section 8-1806 - Powers of the Commission
Section 8-1807 - Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Areas
Section 8-1808 - Program Development
Section 8-1808.1 - Growth Allocation in Resource Conservation Areas
Section 8-1808.2 - Intrafamily Transfers
Section 8-1808.3 - Lot Coverage Limitation
Section 8-1808.4 - Structures on Piers
Section 8-1808.5 - Community Pier in Buffer
Section 8-1808.6 - Credits to Applicants Who Minimize Adverse Impact
Section 8-1808.7 - Commercial Timber Harvest
Section 8-1808.8 - Local Critical Area Protection Program
Section 8-1808.9 - Provisions Applying a Buffer to Perennial and Intermittent Streams
Section 8-1808.10 - Minimum Buffer
Section 8-1808.11 - Erosion Control
Section 8-1809 - Approval and Adoption of Program
Section 8-1810 - Programs Adopted by Commission
Section 8-1811 - Project Approval
Section 8-1812 - Commission Chairman; Authority Regarding Judicial Proceedings
Section 8-1813 - Prior Project Approval
Section 8-1813.1 - Single Family Dwelling; Definitions; Alternative Buffer
Section 8-1814 - Commission Approval of Certain Projects; Applicability of Other Laws
Section 8-1815.1 - Cutting or Clearing Trees
Section 8-1816 - Commission to Prepare Report
Section 8-1817 - Commission Report on Chesapeake Bay Critical Area