Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 19 - Lynx High School
Section 7-1905 - Evaluation; Reports; Continued Operation

(a)    The County Superintendent shall conduct an evaluation of the LYNX High School each year.
    (b)    On or before September 30 each year, the County Superintendent shall submit to the State Board an evaluation report for the prior fiscal year that includes:
        (1)    The academic and career progress of each student enrolled in the LYNX High School;
        (2)    The level of satisfaction of the students, teachers, parents or guardians, and advocates with the LYNX High School; and
        (3)    The LYNX High School’s fiscal year financial report.
    (c)    The LYNX High School may continue to operate until the County Superintendent sends to the State Board a written notice that the LYNX High School has been discontinued.