Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 19 - Lynx High School
Section 7-1903 - Planning

(a)    (1)    On or before September 30, 2016, the County Superintendent shall develop, in consultation and collaboration with teachers, administrators, and noncertificated personnel in the school and the exclusive representatives for teachers, principals, and noncertificated personnel, and submit to the county board for approval a plan that describes in detail the program description, proposed curriculum, evaluation procedures, performance standards, and standards for graduation for students to be enrolled in the LYNX High School.
        (2)    The plan under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall describe:
            (i)    How course credits will be assigned to classroom academic course work and other learning opportunities;
            (ii)    How students may earn credits other than through classroom academic course work;
            (iii)    How the curriculum will hold each student accountable for meeting the requirements of the Maryland College and Career–Ready Standards;
            (iv)    How students will be assessed on the Maryland College and Career–Ready Standards;
            (v)    The hours and days of operation of the LYNX High School;
            (vi)    The use of online courses and other learning opportunities and a proposed method of approving online courses that meets the requirements and pace of the curriculum; and
            (vii)    Any other relevant information as determined by the County Superintendent.
        (3)    On or before December 1, 2016, the county board shall approve the plan submitted under paragraph (1) of this subsection.
        (4)    After the county board has approved the plan submitted under paragraph (1) of this subsection, the County Superintendent shall submit the plan to the State Board for review.
    (b)    On receipt of the plan submitted under subsection (a) of this section, the county board shall consult with the County Superintendent to ensure that the plan is:
        (1)    In the best interests of the students of the LYNX High School; and
        (2)    As it relates to working conditions, compliant with collective bargaining agreements and any requirements of Subtitles 4 and 5 of Title 6 of this article.
    (c)    (1)    Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, within 45 days after the day of receipt of the plan submitted under subsection (a)(4) of this section and in accordance with the authority of the State Board under § 2–205 of this article to grant waivers from regulations adopted by the State Board, the State Board shall grant the LYNX High School a waiver from any regulation that conflicts with the plan approved by the county board.
        (2)    A waiver required under paragraph (1) of this subsection may not be granted related to:
            (i)    Personnel requirements in COMAR 13A.12.01 or 13A.12.02;
            (ii)    Mandatory school days and school year requirements in COMAR 13A.03.02.12; or
            (iii)    Assessment requirements in COMAR 13A.03.02.06.
        (3)    A waiver granted under paragraph (1) of this subsection that relates to working conditions shall be subject to Subtitles 4 and 5 of Title 6 of this article.
    (d)    After granting a waiver from its regulations under subsection (c) of this section, the State Board and the County Superintendent shall meet with representatives of the Maryland Department of Labor regarding the development and implementation of apprenticeship experiences for students to be enrolled in the LYNX High School.