Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 11 - Job Access and Reverse Commute Program
Section 7-1103 - Distribution of Funds

(a)    The Administration may make grants under this subtitle to a provider for job access and reverse commute projects that connect targeted populations with targeted employment areas.
    (b)    A provider may use not more than 10% of the amount distributed to the provider under this subtitle for administrative costs, as determined by the Administration.
    (c)    Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, the Administration shall distribute amounts made available for a fiscal year to implement this subtitle as follows:
        (1)    70% of the funds shall be distributed to providers for use in urbanized areas; and
        (2)    30% of the funds shall be distributed to providers for use in rural areas.
    (d)    The Administration may distribute funds:
        (1)    Under subsection (c)(1) of this section for rural projects if the Administration certifies that no eligible grant requests have been made in urbanized areas; and
        (2)    Under subsection (c)(2) of this section for urban projects if the Administration certifies that no eligible grant requests have been made in rural areas.