Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Port of Baltimore
Section 6-403 - Transfer of Specific Duties and Functions

(a)    Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, any agreement between the Administration and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in connection with the transfer of the McComas Street Terminal, the National Gypsum Company Pier, or the Broadway Pier (Recreation Pier) shall state:
        (1)    The duties and functions of Baltimore City or any of its agencies that are imposed by any law on the harbor or port of Baltimore or their operation and that the Administration must perform; and
        (2)    The time when the Administration must perform these duties and functions.
    (b)    As long as neither the Administration nor Baltimore City or any of its agencies takes an arbitrary or unreasonable position as to the matters described in subsection (a) of this section, there is no obligation for any of them to submit the matters to arbitration under § 6-402 of this subtitle.