Maryland Statutes
Part VI - Member-Regulated Cooperatives
Section 5-638 - Information Available to Members -- Requirements on Rate Changess

(a)    A member–regulated cooperative shall make available to its members:
        (1)    Rate schedules, tariffs, and terms and conditions of service;
        (2)    Financial and statistical information regarding:
            (i)    Operating revenues;
            (ii)    Revenues per rate class;
            (iii)    Number of members per rate class; and
            (iv)    Number of meters per rate class;
        (3)    Data and information concerning load management, energy conservation, and other similar programs;
        (4)    Information concerning ongoing consumer education programs; and
        (5)    Information concerning the member–regulated cooperative’s performance, including income statements, balance sheets, and reliability data.
    (b)    A member–regulated cooperative may not adopt a new rate or increase or decrease its rates or charges for the services it provides unless the member–regulated cooperative provides to its members:
        (1)    Notice of the proposed rates;
        (2)    The opportunity to comment on the proposed rates; and
        (3)    The opportunity to observe the portion of the meeting in which the board of directors votes on the proposed rates.