Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 6 - Airport Zoning -- by Political Subdivisions
Section 5-616 - Acquisition of Property

(a)    A political subdivision that owns, controls, or operates an airport may acquire, by purchase, grant, lease, or condemnation, any property, including any air right or interest, needed to eliminate an airport hazard, to protect the aerial approaches to the airport, or to effectuate the purpose of this subtitle, if:
        (1)    A nonconforming use, structure, or tree or other vegetation is an airport hazard, and it is necessary or desirable to remove, lower, or otherwise terminate it;
        (2)    Because of constitutional limitations, the aerial approaches to the airport cannot be made or kept safe by airport zoning regulations adopted under this subtitle;
        (3)    It is advantageous to make and keep aerial approaches to the airport safe by the acquisition of property rather than by airport zoning regulations; or
        (4)    Any zoning regulation or any action of a zoning authority interferes with the use or enjoyment of private property or otherwise infringes on private property rights so much that it would be taking of private property without the just compensation required by the Constitution of the United States or the Maryland Constitution.
    (b)    Any condemnation of property under this section shall be under the law by which the political subdivision may condemn property for public purposes other than street purposes or, if it has no such law, under Title 12 of the Real Property Article.