(a) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, an advance directive may be revoked at any time by a declarant by a signed and dated written or electronic document, by physical cancellation or destruction, by an oral statement to a health care practitioner or by the execution of a subsequent directive.
(2) A declarant, knowingly and voluntarily, may elect in an advance directive to waive the right under paragraph (1) of this subsection to revoke any part or all of the advance directive, including the appointment of an agent, during a period in which the declarant has been certified incapable of making an informed decision under § 5–602(e) of this subtitle.
(b) If a declarant revokes an advance directive by an oral statement to a health care practitioner, the practitioner and a witness to the oral revocation shall document the substance of the oral revocation in the declarant’s medical record.
(c) It shall be the responsibility of the declarant, to the extent reasonably possible, to notify any person to whom the declarant has provided a copy of the directive.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 6 - Health Care Decisions Act
Section 5-601.1 - Electronic Signatures
Section 5-602 - Procedure for Making Advance Directive; Notice to Physician -- Living Wills
Section 5-602.1 - Advance Directive for Mental Health Services
Section 5-603 - Suggested Forms -- Living Wills
Section 5-604 - Revocation of an Advance Directive
Section 5-604.1 - Anatomical Gifts in Advance Directives
Section 5-605 - Surrogate Decision Making
Section 5-606 - Certifications by Physicians
Section 5-607 - Treatment Without Consent
Section 5-608.1 - Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment
Section 5-609 - Immunity From Liability; Burden of Proof; Presumption
Section 5-612 - Petition by Health Care Provider; Court Action
Section 5-615 - Provision of Information
Section 5-615.1 - Electronic Advance Directives -- Duties of Department; Outreach
Section 5-616 - Preservation of Existing Right; Advance Directives Executed Before Effective Date