Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 6 - Immunities and Prohibited Actions -- Health and Public Safety
Section 5-603 - Emergency Medical Care

(a)    A person described in subsection (b) of this section is not civilly liable for any act or omission in giving any assistance or medical care, if:
        (1)    The act or omission is not one of gross negligence;
        (2)    The assistance or medical care is provided without fee or other compensation; and
        (3)    The assistance or medical care is provided:
            (i)    At the scene of an emergency;
            (ii)    In transit to a medical facility; or
            (iii)    Through communications with personnel providing emergency assistance.
    (b)    Subsection (a) of this section applies to the following:
        (1)    An individual who is licensed by this State to provide medical care;
        (2)    A member of any State, county, municipal, or volunteer fire department, ambulance and rescue squad, or law enforcement agency, the National Ski Patrol System, or a corporate fire department responding to a call outside of its corporate premises, if the member:
            (i)    Has completed an American Red Cross course in advanced first aid and has a current card showing that status;
            (ii)    Has completed an equivalent of an American Red Cross course in advanced first aid, as determined by the Secretary of Health;
            (iii)    Is certified or licensed by this State as an emergency medical services provider; or
            (iv)    Is administering medications or treatment approved for use in response to an apparent drug overdose and the member is:
                1.    Licensed or certified as an emergency medical services provider by the State Emergency Medical Services Board and authorized to administer the medications and treatment under protocols established by the State Emergency Medical Services Board;
                2.    Certified to administer the medications and treatment under protocols established by the Secretary of Health; or
                3.    Certified to administer the medications and treatment under protocols established by the Maryland State Police Medical Director;
        (3)    A volunteer fire department or ambulance and rescue squad whose members have immunity; and
        (4)    A corporation when its fire department personnel are immune under item (2) of this subsection.
    (c)    An individual who is not covered otherwise by this section is not civilly liable for any act or omission in providing assistance or medical aid to a victim at the scene of an emergency, if:
        (1)    The assistance or aid is provided in a reasonably prudent manner;
        (2)    The assistance or aid is provided without fee or other compensation; and
        (3)    The individual relinquishes care of the victim when someone who is licensed or certified by this State to provide medical care or services becomes available to take responsibility.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Courts and Judicial Proceedings

Title 5 - Limitations, Prohibited Actions, and Immunities

Subtitle 6 - Immunities and Prohibited Actions -- Health and Public Safety

Section 5-601 - Action Against Person Furnishing Information to Enumerated Agency for Research Purposes

Section 5-602 - Emergency Defense and Civil Defense Shelters

Section 5-603 - Emergency Medical Care

Section 5-604 - Fire and Rescue Companies

Section 5-605 - Law Enforcement Officer Acting Outside Jurisdiction

Section 5-606 - Physicians and Volunteers Working at Charitable Organizations Providing Health Care Services

Section 5-607 - Volunteer Sports Program Physicians

Section 5-608 - Support for Emergency Medical System

Section 5-609 - Mental Health Care Providers or Administrators

Section 5-610 - Law Enforcement Officer Assisting Victim of Spousal Assault

Section 5-610.1 - Law Enforcement Officer Enforcing Out-of-State Order for Protection From Domestic Violence

Section 5-611 - Federal Law Enforcement Officer Making Arrest Without Warrant

Section 5-612 - Officers, Employees of Political Subdivisions When Acting Outside Territorial Limits

Section 5-613 - Liability of Political Subdivision for Acts of Special Police

Section 5-614 - Emergency Veterinary Assistance

Section 5-615 - Immunity in Arbitration or Alternative Dispute Resolution of Health Care Malpractice Claim

Section 5-617 - Persons Assisting in Controlling Discharge of Hazardous Substance

Section 5-618 - Adult Protective Services

Section 5-619 - Criminal Background Investigation of Employees of Facilities Caring for or Supervising Children; Criminal History Records Checksand Background Checks for Employees of Adult Dependent Care Programs

Section 5-620 - Persons Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect

Section 5-621 - Physician, Health Care Institution, etc., Examining or Treating Abused or Neglected Child

Section 5-622 - Persons Reporting Adult Abuse or Neglect

Section 5-623 - Admissions to Mental Health Facilities

Section 5-624 - Emergency Evaluation for Mental Disorder

Section 5-625 - Persons Reporting Abuse of the Developmentally Disabled

Section 5-626 - Persons Reporting Abuse of Individuals in Mental Health Facilities

Section 5-627 - Member of a Clinical Review Panel

Section 5-628 - Review of Health Care Under Maryland Medical Assistance Program

Section 5-629 - Person Administering Drug or Vaccine

Section 5-630 - Processors, Distributors, etc., of Human Blood, Tissue, Organs, or Bones

Section 5-631 - Persons Reporting Abuse of Residents of Related Institutions

Section 5-632 - Tort Liability of Hospitals or Related Institutions

Section 5-633 - Food Which Poses Immediate Threat

Section 5-634 - Donated Food

Section 5-635 - Customer Use of Employee Toilet Facility in Retail Establishment

Section 5-636 - Licensed Chiropractors Reviewing Fees of Other Chiropractors

Section 5-637 - Medical Review Committees and Persons Cooperating Therewith

Section 5-637.1 - Members of Local Domestic Violence Fatality Review Teams and Persons Cooperating Therewith

Section 5-637.2 - Person Acting for Multidisciplinary and Multiagency Drug Overdose Fatality Review Team

Section 5-638 - Persons Giving Information About Physicians to Hospitals, Hospital Staff, Etc

Section 5-639 - Negligent Operation of Emergency Vehicle

Section 5-640 - Child Passenger Safety Technicians

Section 5-641 - Immunity From Liability for Persons Who Leave Unharmed Newborn Child With a Responsible Adult

Section 5-642 - Immunity for Transfer of Unclaimed Cremains of Veterans for Disposition

Section 5-643 - Immunity From Civil or Criminal Liability

Section 5-644 - Settlement Agreement of Certain Police Misconduct Claims -- Prohibition Against Nondisparagement Clause