Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Governmental Coordination, Cooperation, and Assistance in Planning
Section 5-405 - Temporary Transfer of Employees

(a)    The Secretary may make an agreement with the head of another unit of the State government, of a local government, of a regional or local planning agency, or of a unit of the federal government for the temporary exchange or transfer of employees:
        (1)    from the Department to the unit, local government, or agency; or
        (2)    from the unit, local government, or agency to the Department.
    (b)    An employee may not be transferred or exchanged under this section for more than 90 days at a time.
    (c)    The approval of the Secretary of Budget and Management is not required for an agreement under this section.
    (d)    For purposes of Division I of the State Personnel and Pensions Article, an employee transferred or exchanged under this section is considered to continue in the position from which the employee is temporarily transferred or exchanged.
    (e)    The Secretary may agree to reimburse, or collect reimbursement from, another unit of the State government, a local government, a regional or local planning agency, or a federal agency for a transfer or exchange of employees under this section.