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Subtitle 1 - Definitions; General Provisions
Section 5-101 - Definitions - (a) In this title the following words have the meanings...
Section 5-102 - Scope of Title - This title does not limit any planning powers that are...
Subtitle 2 - Organization of Department and General Authority of Secretary
Section 5-201 - Department Established; Secretary of Planning - (a) There is a Department of Planning, established as a...
Section 5-202 - Staff and Consultants - (a) The Secretary may employ a staff in accordance with...
Section 5-203 - General Powers and Duties of Secretary - (a) The Secretary is responsible for the budget of the...
Section 5-204 - Legal Advice and Counsel - (a) The Attorney General is legal advisor to the Department....
Subtitle 3 - General Authority and Responsibilities of Department
Section 5-301 - Responsibilities to Governor - (a) The Department is the staff agency of the Governor...
Section 5-302 - Advisory, Consultative, and Coordinating Functions - The Department shall function in part as an advisory, consultative,...
Section 5-303 - Development Program - To promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the...
Section 5-304 - Authority to Obtain Funds and Services; Fees - (a) The Department may accept funds, grants, and services from...
Section 5-305 - Right of Intervention - (a) With respect to any administrative, judicial, or other proceeding...
Section 5-306 - Population Projections - (a) The Department shall prepare population projections for the State...
Section 5-307 - Annual Report - (a) Each year, no later than 60 days before the...
Section 5-308 - Special Reports - (a) On the request of the Governor, the General Assembly,...
Section 5-309 - Necessary and Proper Powers - The Department may exercise any power necessary and proper to...
Section 5-310 - Excess Real Property - (a) Each unit of the State government shall notify the...
Section 5-311 - Access to Information; Entry Onto State-Owned Property - (a) The Secretary or a staff member of the Department...
Subtitle 4 - Governmental Coordination, Cooperation, and Assistance in Planning
Section 5-401 - Department to Advise Governor - (a) To establish relative priorities and avoid duplication and conflicts,...
Section 5-402 - Department to Cooperate With and Assist Other Units - (a) The Department shall: (1) harmonize its planning activities with...
Section 5-403 - Financial and Other Planning Assistance - (a) The Department: (1) shall provide planning assistance, including surveys,...
Section 5-404 - Contribution and Reimbursement for Assistance - (a) The Department may collect reimbursement, in accordance with an...
Section 5-405 - Temporary Transfer of Employees - (a) The Secretary may make an agreement with the head...
Section 5-406 - Civil Defense - In the exercise of its planning functions, the Department shall...
Section 5-407 - Regional Planning Projects - (a) In this section, “Commission” means the Maryland-National Capital Park...
Section 5-408 - Certification of County Agricultural Land Preservation Programs - (a) There is within the Department a program for certification...
Subtitle 5 - Information Management
Section 5-501 - Central Depository - (a) The Department is the central depository for all land...
Section 5-502 - Classification Standards - (a) The Department shall establish statewide classification standards for geographically...
Section 5-503 - Information Concerning Real Property - (a) The Department shall be a repository and clearinghouse for...
Section 5-504 - Inventory Lists - (a) The Department shall prepare and periodically revise inventory lists...
Section 5-505 - Studies Relating to State Planning - (a) To the extent relevant to State planning, the Department...
Section 5-506 - Distribution of Information - The Department shall provide information to State and local officials...
Section 5-507 - Cooperation With General Assembly - Upon request of the General Assembly, the Department shall provide...
Section 5-508 - State Clearinghouse for Intergovernmental Assistance - (a) The Department shall serve as a repository and clearinghouse...
Subtitle 6 - State Development Plan
Part I - Definition; General Provisions
Section 5-601 - "Plan" Defined - In this subtitle, “Plan” means the State Development Plan.
Section 5-602 - Requirements - (a) The Department shall prepare and from time to time...
Section 5-603 - Preparation and Revision - In the preparation and revision of the Plan or any...
Section 5-604 - Policy Recommendations - The Plan shall embody the policy recommendations of the Department...
Section 5-605 - Review and Filing of Plan by Governor - (a) On completion, the Secretary shall send to the Governor...
Section 5-606 - Denial of Permit of Funding - (a) The Plan may not be used to deny: (1)...
Part II - Contents of Plan
Section 5-608 - Objectives, Standards, and Principles - The Plan shall contain a statement of the objectives, standards,...
Section 5-609 - Capital Plans and Programs - The Plan shall contain a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of...
Section 5-610 - Grants, Loans, and Services - The Plan shall contain a review and analysis of: (1)...
Section 5-611 - Areas of Critical State Concern - (a) The Plan shall identify all areas designated by the...
Section 5-612 - Land Use Recommendations - The Plan shall contain recommendations for the most desirable general...
Section 5-613 - Major Public and Private Works - The Plan shall contain recommendations concerning the need for and...
Section 5-614 - Circulation Patterns - The Plan shall recommend a major circulation pattern for the...
Section 5-615 - Other Recommendations - The Plan shall contain the recommendations of the Secretary concerning...
Subtitle 7A - State Economic Growth, Resource Protection, and Planning Policy
Section 5-7A-01 - Statement of Policy - The State Economic Growth, Resource Protection, and Planning Policy is...
Section 5-7A-02 - Funding of Projects - (a) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this...
Section 5-7A-03 - Preservation of Agricultural Land Goal - The State has a goal of preserving a total of...
Subtitle 7B - Priority Funding Areas
Section 5-7B-01 - Definitions - (a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings...
Section 5-7B-02 - Areas Considered Priority Funding Areas - The following areas shall be considered priority funding areas under...
Section 5-7B-03 - Designating Priority Funding Areas - (a) (1) The governing body of a county or of...
Section 5-7B-04 - No Funding of Projects Not Located Within Priority Funding Area - (a) Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, beginning October...
Section 5-7B-05 - Funding for Growth-Related Projects Not Within Priority Funding Area - (a) (1) The State may provide funding for a growth-related...
Section 5-7B-06 - Funding for Growth-Related Projects Not Within Priority Funding Area -- Approval - (a) The State may provide funding for a growth–related project...
Section 5-7B-07 - Public School Construction Projects - (a) It shall be the policy of the State that...
Section 5-7B-08 - Eligibility - (a) To be eligible for funding for growth-related projects, a...
Section 5-7B-09 - Review of Projects; Surveys for Infrastructure Needs - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 5-7B-10 - Actions; Decisions to Fund Projects - (a) This section may not be construed to create a...
Subtitle 8 - Patuxent River
Part I - Definitions
Section 5-801 - Definitions - (a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings...
Part II - Patuxent River Policy Plan
Section 5-804 - Purpose of Plan - The Plan shall be used as a policy guide by...
Section 5-805 - Amendment of Plan - (a) (1) The Department has primary responsibility for preparing proposed...
Section 5-806 - Duties of Department - (a) After the General Assembly approves an amendment to the...
Section 5-807 - Funds for Program - Funds for the Patuxent River planning program described in this...
Section 5-808 - Staff for Plan - The staff for the Patuxent River planning program described in...
Section 5-809 - Biennial Report - (a) The Department shall review, evaluate, and report biennially to...
Part III - Patuxent River Commission
Section 5-812 - Commission Established - There is a Patuxent River Commission in the Department.
Section 5-813 - Scope of Responsibilities of Commission - The existence of the Commission does not take away or...
Section 5-814 - Membership - (a) The Commission consists of the following 34 voting members...
Section 5-815 - Election of Officers - (a) From among its voting members, the Commission shall elect...
Section 5-816 - Duties of Commission - In addition to its other powers and duties, the Commission...