Any person who violates any provision of this subtitle is subject to the penalties and fines set forth in Title 12 of this article.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Title 5 - Pesticide and Pest Control
Subtitle 3 - Plant Disease Control
Section 5-304 - Quarantine of Infested or Infected Areas
Section 5-305 - Aircraft Dissemination of Insecticides, Fungicides, and Bactericides
Section 5-306 - Right of Entry; Treatment of Plants
Section 5-307 - Marking or Tagging Infested or Infected Plants; Notice to Owner; Destruction
Section 5-308 - Reciprocal Agreements for Nursery Stock
Section 5-310 - Shipping Nursery Stock Into State
Section 5-311 - Selling or Shipping Nursery Stock Without Certificate
Section 5-312 - Condemnation of Diseased Nursery Stock Sold, Shipped or Delivered in State
Section 5-313 - Penalties for Violations of Subtitle
Section 5-314 - Alternative Civil Penalty; Payments; Regulations