Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Plant Disease Control
Section 5-307 - Marking or Tagging Infested or Infected Plants; Notice to Owner; Destruction

(a)    If the Secretary or his designee finds any plant infested or infected with any dangerously injurious plant pest, he shall issue a stop sale notice and mark or tag the plant in a conspicuous manner. He shall give written notice to the owner, tenant, or person in charge of the premises.
    (b)    If the person notified does not destroy or treat the infested or infected plant pursuant to the departmental rules and regulations, the Secretary shall destroy or treat the plant. The Secretary shall prepare a statement of the expenses of destruction or treatment and shall transmit a copy of the statement and account to the State’s Attorney of the county where the owner of the premises resides. The State’s Attorney shall collect the expenses and account to the Secretary. The copy of the statement and account is sufficient evidence to prove the claim.