Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange
Section 31-118 - Funding for Operations of Exchange

(a)    Beginning January 1, 2014, subject to subsections (b) and (c) of this section, the Exchange may:
        (1)    impose user fees, licensing or other regulatory fees, or other assessments that do not exceed reasonable projections regarding the amount necessary to support the operations of the Exchange under this subtitle; or
        (2)    otherwise generate funding necessary to support its operations under this subtitle.
    (b)    Any fees, assessments, or other funding mechanisms shall be imposed or implemented, to the maximum extent possible, in a manner that is transparent and broad–based.
    (c)    Before imposing or altering any fee or assessment established by law, the Exchange shall adopt regulations that specify:
        (1)    the persons subject to the fee or assessment;
        (2)    the amount of the fee or assessment; and
        (3)    the manner in which the fee or assessment will be collected.
    (d)    Funds collected through any fees, assessments, or other funding mechanisms:
        (1)    shall be deposited in the Fund;
        (2)    shall be used only for the purposes authorized under this subtitle; and
        (3)    may not be used for staff retreats, promotional giveaways, excessive executive compensation, or promotion of federal or State legislative and regulatory actions.
    (e)    The Exchange may not impose fees or assessments authorized under this section in a manner that would provide a competitive disadvantage to health benefit plans operating outside of the Exchange.
    (f)    The Exchange shall maintain a website on which it shall publish:
        (1)    the average amounts of any fees, assessments, or other payments required by the Exchange;
        (2)    the administrative costs of the Exchange; and
        (3)    the amount of funds known to be lost through waste, fraud, and abuse.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Title 31 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange

Subtitle 1 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange

Section 31-101 - Definitions

Section 31-102 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Established

Section 31-103 - Applicable Statutory Provisions; Exceptions

Section 31-104 - Board of Trustees

Section 31-105 - Executive Director

Section 31-106 - Powers of Board

Section 31-107 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Fund

Section 31-107.1 - Trust Account

Section 31-107.2 - Budget Appropriations

Section 31-108 - Functions and Operations of Exchange

Section 31-109 - Interstate Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding

Section 31-110 - Prerequisites to Making Qualified Plans Available

Section 31-111 - Shop Exchange

Section 31-112 - Shop Exchange Navigator Program

Section 31-113 - Navigator Program for Individual Exchange

Section 31-113.1 - Consolidated Services Center

Section 31-114 - Specific Financial Support for Services Not Required

Section 31-115 - Certification of Health Benefit, Dental, Vision Plans, and Stand-Alone Dental Plans

Section 31-116 - Essential Health Benefits to Be Benefits in State Benchmark Plan and Other Plans Under This Subtitle

Section 31-117 - State Reinsurance Program

Section 31-117.1 - Submission of Application; Waivers

Section 31-118 - Funding for Operations of Exchange

Section 31-119 - Administration of Exchange

Section 31-120 - Criminal History Records Check for Contractors With Access to Federal Tax Information

Section 31-121 - State Innovation Waiver

Section 31-122 - State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program -- Purpose -- Subsidy Eligibility and Payment Parameters Established -- Funding -- Monthly Tracking of Subsidy Expenditures