Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange
Section 31-102 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Established

(a)    There is a Maryland Health Benefit Exchange.
    (b)    (1)    The Exchange is a body politic and corporate and is an instrumentality of the State.
        (2)    The Exchange is a public corporation and a unit of State government.
        (3)    The exercise by the Exchange of its authority under this subtitle is an essential governmental function.
    (c)    The purposes of the Exchange are to:
        (1)    reduce the number of uninsured in the State;
        (2)    facilitate the purchase and sale of qualified health plans in the individual market in the State by providing a transparent marketplace;
        (3)    assist qualified employers in the State in facilitating the enrollment of their employees in qualified health plans in the small group market in the State and in accessing small business tax credits;
        (4)    assist individuals in accessing public programs, premium tax credits, and cost–sharing reductions; and
        (5)    supplement the individual and small group insurance markets outside of the Exchange.
    (d)    Nothing in this subtitle, and no regulation adopted or other action taken by the Exchange under this subtitle, may be construed to:
        (1)    preempt or supersede:
            (i)    the authority of the Commissioner to regulate insurance business in the State; or
            (ii)    the requirements of the Affordable Care Act;
        (2)    authorize the Exchange to carry out any function not authorized by the Affordable Care Act; or
        (3)    authorize the Exchange to offer any products or services except qualified health plans, qualified dental plans, and qualified vision plans.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Title 31 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange

Subtitle 1 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange

Section 31-101 - Definitions

Section 31-102 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Established

Section 31-103 - Applicable Statutory Provisions; Exceptions

Section 31-104 - Board of Trustees

Section 31-105 - Executive Director

Section 31-106 - Powers of Board

Section 31-107 - Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Fund

Section 31-107.1 - Trust Account

Section 31-107.2 - Budget Appropriations

Section 31-108 - Functions and Operations of Exchange

Section 31-109 - Interstate Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding

Section 31-110 - Prerequisites to Making Qualified Plans Available

Section 31-111 - Shop Exchange

Section 31-112 - Shop Exchange Navigator Program

Section 31-113 - Navigator Program for Individual Exchange

Section 31-113.1 - Consolidated Services Center

Section 31-114 - Specific Financial Support for Services Not Required

Section 31-115 - Certification of Health Benefit, Dental, Vision Plans, and Stand-Alone Dental Plans

Section 31-116 - Essential Health Benefits to Be Benefits in State Benchmark Plan and Other Plans Under This Subtitle

Section 31-117 - State Reinsurance Program

Section 31-117.1 - Submission of Application; Waivers

Section 31-118 - Funding for Operations of Exchange

Section 31-119 - Administration of Exchange

Section 31-120 - Criminal History Records Check for Contractors With Access to Federal Tax Information

Section 31-121 - State Innovation Waiver

Section 31-122 - State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program -- Purpose -- Subsidy Eligibility and Payment Parameters Established -- Funding -- Monthly Tracking of Subsidy Expenditures