Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Arbitration and Award
Section 3-224 - Vacating Award

(a)    (1)    Except as provided in paragraph (2), a petition to vacate the award shall be filed within 30 days after delivery of a copy of the award to the petitioner.
        (2)    If a petition alleges corruption, fraud, or other undue means it shall be filed within 30 days after the grounds become known or should have been known to the petitioner.
    (b)    The court shall vacate an award if:
        (1)    An award was procured by corruption, fraud, or other undue means;
        (2)    There was evident partiality by an arbitrator appointed as a neutral, corruption in any arbitrator, or misconduct prejudicing the rights of any party;
        (3)    The arbitrators exceeded their powers;
        (4)    The arbitrators refused to postpone the hearing upon sufficient cause being shown for the postponement, refused to hear evidence material to the controversy, or otherwise so conducted the hearing, contrary to the provisions of § 3-213 of this subtitle, as to prejudice substantially the rights of a party; or
        (5)    There was no arbitration agreement as described in § 3-206 of this subtitle, the issue was not adversely determined in proceedings under § 3-208 of this subtitle, and the party did not participate in the arbitration hearing without raising the objection.
    (c)    The court shall not vacate the award or refuse to confirm the award on the ground that a court of law or equity could not or would not grant the same relief.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Courts and Judicial Proceedings

Title 3 - Courts of General Jurisdiction -- Jurisdiction/special Causes of Action

Subtitle 2 - Arbitration and Award

Section 3-201 - Definitions

Section 3-202 - Jurisdiction

Section 3-203 - Venue

Section 3-204 - Determination to Be Made Without Jury

Section 3-205 - Petition and Notice

Section 3-206 - Validity of Arbitration Agreements; Agreements Between Employers and Employees

Section 3-206.1 - Validity of Arbitration Provision in Insurance Contracts

Section 3-207 - Order to Arbitrate

Section 3-208 - Stay of Arbitration

Section 3-209 - Stay of Proceedings

Section 3-210 - When Order Not to Be Refused

Section 3-211 - Appointment of Arbitrators

Section 3-212 - Exercise of Power by Majority of Arbitrators

Section 3-213 - Arbitration Hearing and Notice

Section 3-214 - Rights of Parties at Arbitration Hearing; Rules of Evidence

Section 3-215 - Determination by Arbitrators

Section 3-216 - Right to Be Represented by Attorney; When Waiver Ineffective

Section 3-217 - Authority of Arbitrators to Issue Subpoenas and Administer Oath; Service of Subpoenas

Section 3-218 - Depositions

Section 3-219 - Arbitration Award

Section 3-220 - Transcript of Proceedings

Section 3-221 - Expenses and Fees

Section 3-222 - Modification or Correction of Award

Section 3-223 - Correction or Modification of Award by Court

Section 3-224 - Vacating Award

Section 3-225 - Rehearing Before Arbitrators

Section 3-226 - Denial of Petition to Vacate

Section 3-227 - Confirmation of Award by Court

Section 3-228 - Judgment, Costs, and Disbursements

Section 3-229 - Death or Incompetence of Party

Section 3-230 - Proceedings Upon Death of a Party

Section 3-231 - Subtitle Not Retroactive

Section 3-232 - Uniformity of Interpretation

Section 3-234 - Short Title