Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Maryland Environmental Service
Section 3-126 - Financial Affairs Generally

(a)    The Service may provide for the creation, continuation, and administration of whatever funds may be required. Money in these funds and other money of the Service shall be deposited, as directed by the Service, in any State or national bank, or federally insured savings and loan associations having a total paid–in capital of at least $1,000,000 or in any financial institution in which the State Treasurer is authorized to deposit State funds. The trust department of any State or national bank or savings and loan association may be designated as a depository to receive any securities acquired or owned by the Service. The restriction with respect to paid–in capital may be waived for any qualifying bank or savings and loan association which agrees to pledge securities of the State or of the United States to protect the funds and securities of the Service in amounts and under arrangements acceptable to the Service.
    (b)    Any money of the Service, in its discretion and unless otherwise provided in any trust agreement, other agreement, or covenant made by the Service for the benefit of the holders of any of its obligations with respect to funds held under the trust or other agreement may be invested in:
        (1)    Bonds or other obligations of, or guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the United States or the State or its political subdivisions or units; or
        (2)    Any other obligation or security in which the State Treasurer may invest under § 6–222 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.
    (c)    The Service shall make provision for a system of financial accounting, controls, audits, and reports. All accounting systems and records, auditing procedures and standards, and financial reporting shall conform to generally accepted principles of governmental accounting. The Service shall adopt the fiscal year of July 1 to June 30, designate the necessary funds for complete accountability, and specify the basis of accounting for each fund.
    (d)    (1)    (i)    1.    As soon as practical after the closing of the fiscal year, an audit shall be made of the financial books, records, and accounts of the Service.
                2.    The audit shall be made by independent certified public accountants, selected by the Service and licensed to practice in the State.
                3.    The accountants:
                A.    May not have a personal interest either directly or indirectly in the fiscal affairs of the Service; and
                B.    Shall be experienced and qualified in the accounting and auditing of public bodies.
                4.    The report of audit shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted auditing principles and point out any irregularities found to exist.
                5.    A.    The accountants shall report the results of their examination, including their unqualified opinion on the presentation of the financial position of the various funds and the results of the Service’s financial operations.
                B.    If the accountants are unable to express an unqualified opinion they shall state and explain in detail the reasons for their qualifications, disclaimer, or opinion including recommendations necessary to make possible future unqualified opinions.
            (ii)    Subject to subparagraph (i) of this paragraph and either as a separate part of the audit required under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph or as an individual audit, the Service shall obtain an audit that focuses on unauthorized spending, misallocated expenses, lack of conformity with State law or Board policies, and other accounting errors.
        (2)    The Board shall review an audit prepared under paragraph (1) of this subsection at a meeting of the Board and make any changes or recommendations that the Board considers appropriate based on the audit.
        (3)    The Service shall:
            (i)    Provide to the Department of Budget and Management:
                1.    A copy of an audit prepared under paragraph (1) of this subsection; and
                2.    Any changes or recommendations of the Board based on the audit; and
            (ii)    Post a copy of an audit prepared under paragraph (1) of this subsection on the Service’s website, including a link on the homepage of the website to a copy of the most recent audit.
    (e)    The books, records, and accounts of the Service are subject to audit by the State, including the Legislative Auditor.
    (f)    Any officer or employee who refuses to give the required assistance and information to the accountants selected by the Service or by the State, or who refuses to submit to them for examination the books, documents, records, files, accounts, papers, things, or property required for the audit, in the discretion of the Service, may be required to forfeit his office or employment.
    (g)    Any money received by the Service from State agencies for goods or services provided by the Service in accordance with agreements with those agencies shall be deposited and credited to the funds created under this subtitle.
    (h)    Within the first 90 days of each fiscal year, the Service shall make a report to the Governor and, subject to § 2–1257 of the State Government Article, to the General Assembly of its activities for the preceding fiscal year. Each such report shall set forth the complete operating and financial statement covering the Service’s activities during such year, the salaries for each position of the Service, and a summary of energy activities undertaken by the Service during such year.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Natural Resources

Title 3 - Environmental Programs

Subtitle 1 - Maryland Environmental Service

Section 3-101 - Definitions

Section 3-102 - Legislative Intent; Purpose; Construction

Section 3-103 - Established; Organization

Section 3-103.1 - Employees

Section 3-103.2 - Exemption From State Personnel Management System

Section 3-103.3 - Conflict of Interest Policy for Board Members -- Copies Supplied

Section 3-103.4 - Standard of Care for Board Members -- Severance Packages -- Diversity Officer -- Board Policies -- Annual Training -- Citation of Section

Section 3-103.5 - Recurring Assessment of Board's Operations -- Items Evaluated -- Assessment Posted on Website

Section 3-104 - Powers Generally; Corporate Existence

Section 3-105 - Responsibilities and Activities; Limitation Upon Powers

Section 3-106 - Creation and Continuation of Wastewater Purification and Solid Waste Disposal Service Regions and Districts; Five-Year Plans

Section 3-107 - Mandatory Agreement to Provide Requested Services

Section 3-108 - Charges for Water Supply, Wastewater Purification and Solid Waste Disposal Projects or Services; Costs of Projects Generally; Procedure Upon Failure to Pay Costs

Section 3-109 - Projects to Be Provided Upon Direction of Secretary of the Environment

Section 3-110 - Pollution Abatement Projects to Be Provided Upon Directive of Secretary of the Environment; Costs and Operation of Projects

Section 3-111 - Duplicating or Using Projects Similar to Service Provided Projects

Section 3-112 - Authority to Issue Revenue Bonds and Determine Matters Relating Thereto

Section 3-113 - Provisions Applicable to All Bonds

Section 3-114 - Source of Payment of Bonds

Section 3-115 - Issuance of Refunding Bonds and Renewal Notes; Payment to Holders of Bonds and Notes

Section 3-116 - Interim Receipts, Temporary Bonds, Anticipation Notes, and Industrial Development Bonds

Section 3-117 - Trust Agreements; Disposition of Proceeds

Section 3-118 - Revenues -- in General

Section 3-119 - Revenues -- Trust Funds

Section 3-120 - Remedies of Bondholders and Trustees

Section 3-121 - Bonds and Notes Are Legal Investments

Section 3-122 - Bonds or Notes Not to Be Deemed State or Local Debt; Fees or Charges to Pay Project Costs; Contracts With Counties or Municipal Corporations

Section 3-123 - Service Exempt From Taxation; Bonds and Notes of Service Exempt From Taxation

Section 3-124 - Service Not Required to Give Bond or Suffer Liens; Assignment of Wages Not Binding on Service

Section 3-125 - Liens Created in Favor of Service or Municipality

Section 3-126 - Financial Affairs Generally

Section 3-127 - Rules and Regulations Generally

Section 3-128 - Arbitration; Scope of Authority of Public Service Commission

Section 3-129 - Violations and Penalties

Section 3-130 - Short Title