Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Maryland Environmental Service
Section 3-102 - Legislative Intent; Purpose; Construction

(a)    To assist with the preservation, improvement, and management of the quality of air, land, water, and natural resources, and to promote the health and welfare of the citizens of the State, it is the intention of the General Assembly in enactment of this subtitle to provide for dependable, effective, and efficient water supply and purification and disposal of liquid and solid wastes, to encourage reductions in the amount of waste generated and discharged to the environment and the generation of energy and the recovery of useable resources from such waste to the extent practicable; to promote the conservation of energy usage and to enable and provide for the production of energy from solid wastes and renewable and other sources; to encourage private sector participation in environmental protection; and to serve its political subdivisions and economic interests. For these purposes, the General Assembly creates an instrumentality of the State constituted as a body politic and corporate to provide water supply wastewater purification and disposal, solid and hazardous waste disposal, and energy conservation, generation, and transmission services in compliance with State and federal laws, regulations, and policies governing air, land, and water pollution to public and private instrumentalities, and with safeguards to protect the autonomy of the political subdivisions and the rights of the private entities it serves. It is also the intent of the General Assembly that the instrumentality may not participate in competitive bidding with the private sector to provide its services.
    (b)    This subtitle shall be liberally construed to effect its purposes. However, nothing contained in it shall restrict any control which the Departments of the Environment and Natural Resources, or of their units, are empowered to exercise over any water supply, wastewater purification, solid waste disposal, or energy project authorized by this subtitle, nor interfere with or affect the operation of existing wastewater purification, water supply, solid waste disposal, or energy projects found by the Secretary of the Environment to be adequately and lawfully operated by municipalities having jurisdiction or responsibility for them, except by their express consent and agreement. Nothing in this subtitle shall restrict any control which the Public Service Commission is empowered to exercise over any energy project authorized by this subtitle.
    (c)    Nothing in this subtitle shall be construed to alter, change, or modify the zoning or land use planning authority of any municipality or public instrumentality or cause a municipality or public instrumentality to take action inconsistent with the county solid waste management plan required under Title 9, Subtitle 5 of the Environment Article.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Natural Resources

Title 3 - Environmental Programs

Subtitle 1 - Maryland Environmental Service

Section 3-101 - Definitions

Section 3-102 - Legislative Intent; Purpose; Construction

Section 3-103 - Established; Organization

Section 3-103.1 - Employees

Section 3-103.2 - Exemption From State Personnel Management System

Section 3-103.3 - Conflict of Interest Policy for Board Members -- Copies Supplied

Section 3-103.4 - Standard of Care for Board Members -- Severance Packages -- Diversity Officer -- Board Policies -- Annual Training -- Citation of Section

Section 3-103.5 - Recurring Assessment of Board's Operations -- Items Evaluated -- Assessment Posted on Website

Section 3-104 - Powers Generally; Corporate Existence

Section 3-105 - Responsibilities and Activities; Limitation Upon Powers

Section 3-106 - Creation and Continuation of Wastewater Purification and Solid Waste Disposal Service Regions and Districts; Five-Year Plans

Section 3-107 - Mandatory Agreement to Provide Requested Services

Section 3-108 - Charges for Water Supply, Wastewater Purification and Solid Waste Disposal Projects or Services; Costs of Projects Generally; Procedure Upon Failure to Pay Costs

Section 3-109 - Projects to Be Provided Upon Direction of Secretary of the Environment

Section 3-110 - Pollution Abatement Projects to Be Provided Upon Directive of Secretary of the Environment; Costs and Operation of Projects

Section 3-111 - Duplicating or Using Projects Similar to Service Provided Projects

Section 3-112 - Authority to Issue Revenue Bonds and Determine Matters Relating Thereto

Section 3-113 - Provisions Applicable to All Bonds

Section 3-114 - Source of Payment of Bonds

Section 3-115 - Issuance of Refunding Bonds and Renewal Notes; Payment to Holders of Bonds and Notes

Section 3-116 - Interim Receipts, Temporary Bonds, Anticipation Notes, and Industrial Development Bonds

Section 3-117 - Trust Agreements; Disposition of Proceeds

Section 3-118 - Revenues -- in General

Section 3-119 - Revenues -- Trust Funds

Section 3-120 - Remedies of Bondholders and Trustees

Section 3-121 - Bonds and Notes Are Legal Investments

Section 3-122 - Bonds or Notes Not to Be Deemed State or Local Debt; Fees or Charges to Pay Project Costs; Contracts With Counties or Municipal Corporations

Section 3-123 - Service Exempt From Taxation; Bonds and Notes of Service Exempt From Taxation

Section 3-124 - Service Not Required to Give Bond or Suffer Liens; Assignment of Wages Not Binding on Service

Section 3-125 - Liens Created in Favor of Service or Municipality

Section 3-126 - Financial Affairs Generally

Section 3-127 - Rules and Regulations Generally

Section 3-128 - Arbitration; Scope of Authority of Public Service Commission

Section 3-129 - Violations and Penalties

Section 3-130 - Short Title