Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - General Provisions
Section 15-139 - Coverage for Services Delivered Through Telehealth

(a)    (1)    In this section, “telehealth” means, as it relates to the delivery of health care services, the use of interactive audio, video, or other telecommunications or electronic technology by a licensed health care provider to deliver a health care service within the scope of practice of the health care provider at a location other than the location of the patient.
        (2)    “Telehealth” includes from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023, both inclusive, an audio–only telephone conversation between a health care provider and a patient that results in the delivery of a billable, covered health care service.
        (3)    “Telehealth” does not include:
            (i)    except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, an audio–only telephone conversation between a health care provider and a patient;
            (ii)    an electronic mail message between a health care provider and a patient; or
            (iii)    a facsimile transmission between a health care provider and a patient.
    (b)    This section applies to:
        (1)    insurers and nonprofit health service plans that provide hospital, medical, or surgical benefits to individuals or groups on an expense–incurred basis under health insurance policies or contracts that are issued or delivered in the State; and
        (2)    health maintenance organizations that provide hospital, medical, or surgical benefits to individuals or groups under contracts that are issued or delivered in the State.
    (c)    (1)    An entity subject to this section:
            (i)    shall provide coverage under a health insurance policy or contract for health care services appropriately delivered through telehealth regardless of the location of the patient at the time the telehealth services are provided;
            (ii)    may not exclude from coverage a health care service solely because it is provided through telehealth and is not provided through an in–person consultation or contact between a health care provider and a patient; and
            (iii)    may not exclude from coverage or deny coverage for a behavioral health care service that is a covered benefit under a health insurance policy or contract when provided in person solely because the behavioral health care service may also be provided through a covered telehealth benefit.
        (2)    The health care services appropriately delivered through telehealth shall include counseling and treatment for substance use disorders and mental health conditions.
    (d)    (1)    Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, an entity subject to this section:
            (i)    shall reimburse a health care provider for the diagnosis, consultation, and treatment of an insured patient for a health care service covered under a health insurance policy or contract that can be appropriately provided through telehealth;
            (ii)    is not required to:
                1.    reimburse a health care provider for a health care service delivered in person or through telehealth that is not a covered benefit under the health insurance policy or contract; or
                2.    reimburse a health care provider who is not a covered provider under the health insurance policy or contract; and
            (iii)    1.    may impose a deductible, copayment, or coinsurance amount on benefits for health care services that are delivered either through an in–person consultation or through telehealth;
                2.    may impose an annual dollar maximum as permitted by federal law; and
                3.    may not impose a lifetime dollar maximum.
        (2)    (i)    From July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023, both inclusive, when a health care service is appropriately provided through telehealth, an entity subject to this section shall provide reimbursement in accordance with paragraph (1)(i) of this subsection on the same basis and at the same rate as if the health care service were delivered by the health care provider in person.
            (ii)    The reimbursement required under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph does not include:
                1.    clinic facility fees unless the health care service is provided by a health care provider not authorized to bill a professional fee separately for the health care service; or
                2.    any room and board fees.
            (iii)    This paragraph may not be construed to supersede the authority of the Health Services Cost Review Commission to set the appropriate rates for hospitals, including setting the hospital facility fee for hospital–provided telehealth.
    (e)    Subject to subsection (d)(1)(ii) of this section, an entity subject to this section may not impose as a condition of reimbursement of a covered health care service delivered through telehealth that the health care service be provided by a third–party vendor designated by the entity.
    (f)    An entity subject to this section may undertake utilization review, including preauthorization, to determine the appropriateness of any health care service whether the service is delivered through an in–person consultation or through telehealth if the appropriateness of the health care service is determined in the same manner.
    (g)    A health insurance policy or contract may not distinguish between patients in rural or urban locations in providing coverage under the policy or contract for health care services delivered through telehealth.
    (h)    A decision by an entity subject to this section not to provide coverage for telehealth in accordance with this section constitutes an adverse decision, as defined in § 15–10A–01 of this title, if the decision is based on a finding that telehealth is not medically necessary, appropriate, or efficient.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Title 15 - Health Insurance

Subtitle 1 - General Provisions

Section 15-101 - Scope of Title

Section 15-102 - Third-Party Ownership of Policies

Section 15-103 - Simplified Language Required

Section 15-104 - Nonduplication and Coordination Provisions in Policies

Section 15-105 - Coverage Information About Breast Implants

Section 15-106 - Home Medical Equipment

Section 15-107 - Notice to Pharmacies of Change in Pharmaceutical Benefits

Section 15-108 - Record Keeping Procedures

Section 15-109 - Minimum Loss Ratio for Specified Disease Policies

Section 15-110 - Prohibited Referrals

Section 15-111 - Assessment of Fees on Payors

Section 15-112 - Provider Panels

Section 15-112.1 - Carriers and Credentialing Intermediaries; Uniform Credentialing Form

Section 15-112.2 - Provider Contract

Section 15-112.3 - Multi-Carrier Common Online Provider Directory Information System

Section 15-113 - Compensation of Health Care Practitioners or Set of Health Care Practitioners

Section 15-114 - Dental Plans

Section 15-115 - Provider Participation in Managed Care Organizations

Section 15-116 - Communication of Information by Health Care Providers

Section 15-117 - Indemnification of Insurers and Nonprofit Health Service Plans

Section 15-118 - Coinsurance Payments for Health Care Services

Section 15-119 - Uniform Consultation Referral Forms -- in General

Section 15-120 - Uniform Consultation Referral Forms -- Regulations

Section 15-121 - Disclosures Required in Enrollment Sales Materials

Section 15-122 - Notice of Renewal of Health Benefit Plan

Section 15-122.1 - Disbursement of Advance Directive Information Sheet by Carriers

Section 15-123 - Emerging Medical and Surgical Treatments

Section 15-124 - Group Health Insurers -- Enrollment of Minors

Section 15-125 - Restrictions on Assigning, Transferring, or Subcontracting Contracts

Section 15-126 - Access to 911 Emergency System

Section 15-127 - Distribution of Information by Carrier Owning or Contracting With Managed Behavioral Health Care Organizations

Section 15-129 - Stop-Loss Insurance Policies

Section 15-130 - Health Insurance Benefit Card, Prescription Benefit Card, Etc

Section 15-130.1 - Health Insurance Benefit Cards, Prescription Benefit Cards, and Other Technology

Section 15-131 - Electronic Reimbursement

Section 15-132 - Incentives to Health Care Providers

Section 15-133 - Annual Report

Section 15-134 - Effect of Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Maryland Plans

Section 15-135 - Covered Benefits for Annual Preventive Care

Section 15-135.1 - Dental Preventive Care Coverage

Section 15-136 - Bonus Payments to Primary Care Providers

Section 15-138 - Direct Reimbursement of Ambulance Service Provider

Section 15-139 - Coverage for Services Delivered Through Telehealth

Section 15-140 - Provisions for Marylanders Transitioning Between Carriers and Between Carriers and State Programs

Section 15-141 - Communications Between Carriers and Enrollees -- Confidentiality

Section 15-142 - Step Therapy or Fail-First Protocol

Section 15-143 - Compensation Agreements Arrangements Under Federally Approved Programs and Models

Section 15-144 - Certain Carriers to Issue Report on Certain Health Benefit Plans -- Information Included -- Comparative Analysis of Nonquantitative Treatment Limitations and Data -- Form

Section 15-145 - Definitions -- When Health Savings Account Established