Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 10A - Complaint Process for Adverse Decisions or Grievances
Section 15-10A-08 - Annual Summary Report by Health Advocacy Unit

(a)    On or before November 1, 1999, and each November 1 thereafter, the Health Advocacy Unit shall publish an annual summary report and provide copies of the report to the Governor and, subject to § 2-1257 of the State Government Article, the General Assembly.
    (b)    (1)    The annual summary report required under subsection (a) of this section shall be on the grievances and complaints filed with or referred to a carrier, the Commissioner, the Health Advocacy Unit, or any other federal or State government agency or unit under this subtitle during the previous fiscal year.
        (2)    In consultation with the Commissioner and any affected State government agency or unit, the Health Advocacy Unit shall:
            (i)    evaluate the effectiveness of the internal grievance process and complaint process available to members; and
            (ii)    include in the annual summary report the results of the evaluation and any proposed changes that it considers necessary.