Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - General Provisions
Section 15-106.2 - Waiver of Residency Requirement for Public School Teacher

(a)    In this section, “residency requirement” means the requirement of a public senior higher education institution that a student has resided in the State for 1 year to be considered a resident and receive in–State tuition status.
    (b)    For tuition purposes, a public senior higher education institution shall waive the in–State residency requirement for a public school teacher employed by a county board if:
        (1)    (i)    The course or program is required by the State or the county board to maintain the teacher’s present position with the county board; or
            (ii)    The course or program maintains or improves skills required by the county board in the teacher’s current position;
        (2)    The teacher resides in this State and is employed as a full–time public school teacher; and
        (3)    The teacher has been employed as a public school teacher in the State for less than a year.
    (c)    A public school teacher is responsible for the difference between in–State and out–of–state tuition if:
        (1)    The teacher resigns or is terminated from employment with the county board; and
        (2)    The teacher remains enrolled in the course or program at an institution of higher education during the teacher’s first year as a Maryland resident.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division III - Higher Education

Title 15 - Public Institutions of Higher Education

Subtitle 1 - General Provisions

Section 15-101 - Admission Standards

Section 15-102 - Payments by Credit Card

Section 15-103 - Access to Military Recruiters

Section 15-104 - Use of Endowment Funds, Gifts, Donations, etc.; Fundraising; Foundations

Section 15-105 - Transfer of Personnel Positions

Section 15-106 - Waiver of Tuition and Room and Board

Section 15-106.1 - Tuition Exemption for Foster Care Recipients or Unaccompanied Homeless Youths

Section 15-106.2 - Waiver of Residency Requirement for Public School Teacher

Section 15-106.3 - National Guard Students

Section 15-106.4 - Exemption From Paying Nonresident Tuition for Certain Military Personnel, Spouses, and Dependents

Section 15-106.5 - Tuition Increase Prohibited for 2006 Academic Year

Section 15-106.6 - Higher Education Investment Fund

Section 15-106.7 - Exemption From Nonresident Tuition for Children of State or Local Public Safety Employees

Section 15-106.8 - Exemption From Nonresident Tuition for Qualified Children of Undocumented Immigrants

Section 15-106.9 - Americorps Program Participants -- Waiver of Residency Requirement for In-State Tuition

Section 15-106.10 - Course That Teaches a Language or Communication Mode for Parents of Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children

Section 15-107 - Promotion of Economic Interests Through Arrangements With Private Sector

Section 15-108 - Employee Leave Time

Section 15-109 - Exemption of Provider of Utility Services From Jurisdiction of Public Service Commission

Section 15-110 - Printing of Social Security Number

Section 15-111 - Credit Card Marketing and Merchandising Conducted at Higher Education Institutions

Section 15-112 - Sale of College Textbooks

Section 15-113 - Development and Adoption of Guidelines and Policies

Section 15-114 - Degree Plans

Section 15-115 - Pathway Systems to Graduation

Section 15-116 - Financial Aid Dedicated to Community College Transfer Students

Section 15-117 - Standard Number of Credits for Degrees

Section 15-119 - Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press in School-Sponsored Media

Section 15-120 - Registration of Individuals With Unpaid Balance on Student Account

Section 15-121 - Restrictions on Reduction of Financial Aid

Section 15-122 - Instruction in Substance Use Disorders, Effective Treatment, and Pain Management

Section 15-123 - Active Shooter Drill Requirement

Section 15-124 - Priority Course Registration for Eligible Service Member

Section 15-125 - Referral of Noncredit or Credit Course as Apprenticeship or Apprenticeship Training Course

Section 15-126 - Higher Education Institution Acceptance of Individual Achieving College and Career Readiness

Section 15-127 - Tuition, Payment, and Fees

Section 15-128 - Annual Appropriations in Budget -- Allocations to Institutions -- Uses

Section 15-129 - Historically Black Colleges and Universities Reserve Fund -- Purpose -- Administration -- Specified Uses

Section 15-130 - Legislative Findings and Declarations Regarding Health and Safety of Student Athletes -- Athletic Program Implementations -- Annual Report on Student Athletes

Section 15-131 - Prohibiting Public Institution of Higher Learning From Preventing Student Athletes From Earning Compensation From Use of Name, Image or Likeness.

Section 15-132 - Information Provided on Student Identification Cards

Section 15-133 - Legal Education Success Collaborative -- Purpose -- Administration -- Appropriations Supplemental