Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Franchises
Section 14-222 - Notice; Hearing; Vacating or Modifying Stop Order

(a)    After passing a stop order, the Commissioner promptly shall send to the applicant or registrant a notice that:
        (1)    states that the stop order has been passed;
        (2)    states the reasons for the stop order; and
        (3)    informs the applicant or registrant of the right to a hearing under this section.
    (b)    (1)    The applicant or registrant may submit to the Commissioner a written request for a hearing on the stop order.
        (2)    The Commissioner shall schedule a hearing within 15 business days after the Commissioner receives the request unless the applicant or registrant consents to a later date.
        (3)    The Commissioner may schedule a hearing even if the applicant or registrant does not request a hearing.
    (c)    (1)    If a hearing is not requested and is not scheduled by the Commissioner and therefore is not held, the stop order remains in effect until the Commissioner modifies or vacates it.
        (2)    If a hearing is held, after the hearing, the Commissioner may modify or vacate the stop order or extend it until the Commissioner makes a final determination.
        (3)    The Commissioner may modify or vacate a stop order if the Commissioner finds that:
            (i)    conditions have changed; or
            (ii)    it is otherwise in the public interest to vacate or modify the stop order.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Business Regulation

Title 14 - Business Opportunities, Franchises, and Multilevel Distribution Companies

Subtitle 2 - Franchises

Section 14-201 - Definitions

Section 14-202 - Legislative Policy

Section 14-203 - Scope of Subtitle

Section 14-204 - Subtitle in Addition to Other Law

Section 14-205 - Delegation

Section 14-206 - Regulations

Section 14-207 - Publication of Information

Section 14-208 - Investigations

Section 14-209 - Interpretive Opinions

Section 14-210 - Civil Enforcement of Subtitle

Section 14-211 - Criminal Proceedings Authorized

Section 14-212 - Miscellaneous Powers

Section 14-213 - Privilege Against Self-Incrimination

Section 14-214 - Registration Required; Exemptions

Section 14-215 - Applications for Registration

Section 14-216 - Prospectus

Section 14-217 - Escrow Requirements

Section 14-218 - Issuance and Effective Date of Registration

Section 14-219 - Term and Renewal of Registration

Section 14-220 - Amendments to Registration

Section 14-221 - Grounds for Issuing Stop Order

Section 14-222 - Notice; Hearing; Vacating or Modifying Stop Order

Section 14-223 - Copies of Documents to Franchisees

Section 14-224 - Records Required

Section 14-225 - Advertisements Offering Franchises

Section 14-226 - Release From Liability as Condition of Sale

Section 14-227 - Civil Liability

Section 14-228 - Offer or Sale of Franchise Without Registration

Section 14-229 - Fraud or Deceit; Untrue Statements or Omissions of Material Fact

Section 14-230 - False or Misleading Statement or Omission in Prospectus or Amendment

Section 14-231 - Untrue Statements or Omissions of Material Fact in Applications, Notices, or Reports

Section 14-232 - Failure to Notify Commissioner of Material Change

Section 14-233 - Short Title