Maryland Statutes
Part IV - Excavation and Demolition
Section 12-123 - Owner-Member of One-Call System

(a)    (1)    An owner shall be a member of a one–call system.
        (2)    Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection, an owner becomes a member of a one–call system by registering with the one–call system.
        (3)    The Department of Transportation, its administrations, and the Maryland Transportation Authority shall become members of the one–call system through a separate agreement and using the information collected under § 12–124(b)(2) of this subtitle.
    (b)    (1)    An owner–member of a one–call system shall submit to the one–call system, in writing, the telephone number of the person to which calls concerning proposed excavations or demolitions shall be directed.
        (2)    An owner–member shall ensure that all contact information provided to the one–call system remains current.