Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Powers and Duties
Section 12-114.1 - Open Source Textbook Initiative

    (a)    It is the policy of the State that all students have access to high–quality, low–cost learning materials and resources.
    (b)    (1)    For fiscal year 2019, the Governor shall include $100,000 in general funds in the State budget for the purpose of providing a grant to the William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation at the University System of Maryland for the Maryland Open Source Textbook Initiative.
        (2)    The funds allocated under paragraph (1) of this subsection may be used to:
            (i)    Award grants to support and promote the adoption, adaptation, and creation of openly licensed educational resources in order to reduce a student’s cost of attendance while maintaining or improving learning outcomes;
            (ii)    Reimburse expenses incurred in the operation of the Maryland Open Source Textbook Initiative, including administrative functions and the evaluation of its efficacy; and
            (iii)    Reimburse money expended in fiscal year 2018 that would have met the requirements of items (i) and (ii) of this paragraph if funds had been available.
    (c)    To the extent practicable, funds allocated under subsection (b) of this section shall be for the adoption, adaptation, and creation of openly licensed educational resources that are equally accessible to and independently usable by individuals with disabilities.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division III - Higher Education

Title 12 - University System of Maryland

Subtitle 1 - Powers and Duties

Section 12-101 - Established; Purpose; Definitions

Section 12-101.1 - Morgan State University Not Included in University System of Maryland

Section 12-102 - Board of Regents -- Government of University; Members

Section 12-103 - Board of Regents -- Officers; Meetings

Section 12-104 - Board of Regents -- General Powers and Duties

Section 12-104.1 - High Impact Economic Development Activity

Section 12-105 - Fiscal Matters

Section 12-106 - Plan for and Administration of University

Section 12-107 - Equal Educational Opportunity

Section 12-108 - Chancellor; Employees of Board

Section 12-109 - Presidents of Constituent Institutions; Boards of Visitors

Section 12-110 - Faculty and Administrative Personnel

Section 12-111 - Appointments; Policies and Guidelines

Section 12-112 - University Compliance With State Finance and Procurement Rules

Section 12-113 - Business Entities

Section 12-114 - University Textbook Consortium

Section 12-114.1 - Open Source Textbook Initiative

Section 12-114.2 - Availability of Free or Low-Cost Digital Materials

Section 12-115 - Restrictions on Campaign Fund-Raising by Members of Board of Regents

Section 12-116 - Agriculture and Natural Resources Internship Program

Section 12-117 - Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Program

Section 12-118 - Maryland Center for Computing Education

Section 12-119 - Universities at Shady Grove Regional Higher Education Center -- Purpose -- Academic Programs -- Funding

Section 12-120 - Clinical Care at University of Maryland Capital Region Medical Center -- Annual Funding

Section 12-121 - Specialized Clinical Care at Rural Hospitals by Faculty -- Annual Funding

Section 12-122 - Development of Antibias Education Program

Section 12-123 - Center for Cybersecurity -- Providing Assistance Related to Cybersecurity -- Annual Appropriation and Reporting