Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Powers and Duties
Section 12-101.1 - Morgan State University Not Included in University System of Maryland

The University System of Maryland may not include Morgan State University.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division III - Higher Education

Title 12 - University System of Maryland

Subtitle 1 - Powers and Duties

Section 12-101 - Established; Purpose; Definitions

Section 12-101.1 - Morgan State University Not Included in University System of Maryland

Section 12-102 - Board of Regents -- Government of University; Members

Section 12-103 - Board of Regents -- Officers; Meetings

Section 12-104 - Board of Regents -- General Powers and Duties

Section 12-104.1 - High Impact Economic Development Activity

Section 12-105 - Fiscal Matters

Section 12-106 - Plan for and Administration of University

Section 12-107 - Equal Educational Opportunity

Section 12-108 - Chancellor; Employees of Board

Section 12-109 - Presidents of Constituent Institutions; Boards of Visitors

Section 12-110 - Faculty and Administrative Personnel

Section 12-111 - Appointments; Policies and Guidelines

Section 12-112 - University Compliance With State Finance and Procurement Rules

Section 12-113 - Business Entities

Section 12-114 - University Textbook Consortium

Section 12-114.1 - Open Source Textbook Initiative

Section 12-114.2 - Availability of Free or Low-Cost Digital Materials

Section 12-115 - Restrictions on Campaign Fund-Raising by Members of Board of Regents

Section 12-116 - Agriculture and Natural Resources Internship Program

Section 12-117 - Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Program

Section 12-118 - Maryland Center for Computing Education

Section 12-119 - Universities at Shady Grove Regional Higher Education Center -- Purpose -- Academic Programs -- Funding

Section 12-120 - Clinical Care at University of Maryland Capital Region Medical Center -- Annual Funding

Section 12-121 - Specialized Clinical Care at Rural Hospitals by Faculty -- Annual Funding

Section 12-122 - Development of Antibias Education Program

Section 12-123 - Center for Cybersecurity -- Providing Assistance Related to Cybersecurity -- Annual Appropriation and Reporting