Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - Maryland Mortgage Lender Law
Section 11-505 - Licenses and Licensees Generally

(a)    A license issued under this subtitle authorizes the licensee to act as a mortgage lender under the license at the licensed place of business.
    (b)    Only one place of business may be maintained under any one license.
    (c)    A mortgage lender may maintain more than one license under this subtitle provided that a separate application for each license is made pursuant to § 11–507 of this subtitle and the Commissioner approves such application.
    (d)    (1)    (i)    Each license provided for through NMLS shall include the following information:
                1.    The name of the licensee;
                2.    The address at which the business is to be conducted; and
                3.    The unique identifier of the licensee.
            (ii)    The unique identifier of the licensee shall constitute the license number for the license.
        (2)    A person may not conduct any mortgage loan business at any location or under any name different from the address and name that appears on the person’s license.
    (e)    (1)    A licensee may not allow any note, or loan contract, mortgage, or evidence of indebtedness secured by a secondary mortgage or deed of trust on a dwelling or residential real estate to be signed or executed at any place for which the person does not have a license, except at the office of:
            (i)    The attorney for the borrower or for the licensee; or
            (ii)    A title insurance company, a title company, or an attorney for a title insurance company or a title company.
        (2)    Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, a licensee may conduct the loan closing at another location at the written request of the borrower or the borrower’s designee to accommodate the borrower because of the borrower’s sickness.
        (3)    The Commissioner shall adopt regulations to ensure that the loan application process is conducted fairly and in a manner consistent with the best interests of both the borrower and mortgage lender.
    (f)    A license may be issued under this subtitle to a business entity whose principal office is located outside this State provided that the business entity maintains a resident agent within the State at all times during the term of the license, regardless of whether:
        (1)    The business entity maintains any office within the State; or
        (2)    The activities of the business entity constitute doing business or having a tax situs in this State under the applicable provisions of the Corporations and Associations Article.
    (g)    A person exempt from licensing under this subtitle who employs a mortgage loan originator licensed under Subtitle 6 of this title shall be registered with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Financial Institutions

Title 11 - Consumer Credit

Subtitle 5 - Maryland Mortgage Lender Law

Section 11-501 - Definitions

Section 11-502 - Applicability

Section 11-503 - Rules and Regulations

Section 11-503.1 - Fee Regulations

Section 11-503.2 - Credit of Revenue From Licensing and Payment of Fines and Penalties Into Various Funds

Section 11-504 - License or Registration Requirement

Section 11-505 - Licenses and Licensees Generally

Section 11-506 - Qualifications for License

Section 11-506.1 - Exemptions From License Requirement; Fingerprinting

Section 11-507 - Applications for Licenses

Section 11-508 - Surety Bonds

Section 11-508.1 - Lender Net Worth Requirements

Section 11-509 - Investigation of Applicant; Issuance of License

Section 11-510 - Denial of License

Section 11-511 - Term and Renewal of Licenses

Section 11-511.1 - Continuing Education

Section 11-512 - Change of Place of Business; Change in Control

Section 11-512.1 - Information Posted by Licensee at Licensed Location and on Website -- Exclusion

Section 11-513 - Books and Records

Section 11-513.1 - Quarterly Call Reports

Section 11-514 - Surrender of License

Section 11-515 - Investigatory Powers and Duties of Commissioner; Complaints

Section 11-516 - Order to Stop Doing Business

Section 11-517 - Suspension or Revocation of License; Enforcement of Subtitle, Regulations, etc.; Employment of Mortgage Originators

Section 11-518 - Hearings

Section 11-519 - Reinstatement of Suspended License; Issuance of New License After Revocation

Section 11-520 - Trade Names

Section 11-521 - Independent Evidence of Commercial Purpose

Section 11-523 - Penalties

Section 11-524 - Short Title