On or before December 1 each year, beginning in 2022, the Division shall report to the Senate Finance Committee and the House Health and Government Operations Committee, in accordance with § 2–1257 of the State Government Article, on:
(1) the number of individuals served by each project or activity assisted by a matching grant under the Program, including:
(i) the number of individuals recruited to be employed as direct care workers; and
(ii) the number of individuals who attained employment as direct care workers;
(2) the number of individuals or families assisted by direct care workers under the Program;
(3) services, benefits, or support provided to assist in the recruitment, retention, or advancement of direct care workers, the number of individuals who accessed the services, benefits, or support, and the impact of the services, benefits, and support;
(4) how each project assessed the satisfaction of the direct care workers assisted by the project, individuals receiving services delivered by the direct care workers, and employers of the direct care workers;
(5) the performance of each eligible entity receiving a grant under the Program with respect to the indicators of performance on unsubsidized employment, median earnings, credential attainment, measurable skill gains, and employer satisfaction; and
(6) any other information with respect to outcomes of the projects.