Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 14 - Direct Care Workforce Innovation Program
Section 11-1404 - Request for Applications From Eligible Entities -- Submission of Project Plan -- Items Included in Project Plan

(a)    Each year, the Division shall issue a request for applications from eligible entities for matching grants offered under the Program.
    (b)    To receive a matching grant under the Program, an eligible entity shall submit to the Division with the entity’s application a project plan for each project to be developed and carried out, or for activities to be continued, with the grant.
    (c)    A project plan submitted by an eligible entity under subsection (b) of this section shall include a description of:
        (1)    current or projected job openings for, or relevant labor market information related to, direct care workers in the region to be served by the project, and the geographic scope of the workforce to be served by the project;
        (2)    specific efforts and strategies that the project will undertake to reduce barriers to the recruitment, retention, or advancement of direct care workers;
        (3)    if applicable, any other innovative models or processes the eligible entity will implement to support the retention of direct care workers;
        (4)    the supportive services and benefits to be provided to direct care workers to support the retention of direct care workers;
        (5)    how the eligible entity will make use of career planning to support the identification of advancement opportunities and career pathways for direct care workers in the region to be served by the project;
        (6)    how the eligible entity will collect and submit to the Division workforce data and outcomes of the project;
        (7)    an assurance that any benefit or service provided under the project will be provided at no cost to direct care workers or individuals assisted by direct care workers;
        (8)    how the eligible entity will consult with direct care workers, representatives of direct care workers, individuals assisted by direct care workers, and the families of individuals assisted by direct care workers throughout the project;
        (9)    the methods the eligible entity will use to inform participants in the project about their rights as direct care workers; and
        (10)    outreach efforts to individuals for participation in the project, including targeted outreach efforts to:
            (i)    individuals who are recipients of, or eligible for, assistance under a State program funded under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act; and
            (ii)    individuals who have barriers to employment.