Maryland Statutes
Part II - Maryland Clean Energy Center
Section 10-823 - Dissemination of Information; Cooperation and Consultation With Other Units

(a)    The Center may disseminate information and materials pertinent to advanced clean energy technology, clean energy innovation, financing, and development in the State, for persons engaged in the advanced clean energy and clean energy innovation industries as developers, manufacturers, and installers, as well as for consumers and financial institutions, including information on available federal, State, and private financial assistance and technical assistance.
    (b)    The Center may:
        (1)    cooperate with and provide assistance to local governments, instrumentalities, and research entities in the State; and
        (2)    coordinate advanced clean energy technology and clean energy innovation development, education, and deployment activities with programs of the federal government and of governmental units and public and private entities in and outside the State.
    (c)    The Center may conduct the activities under this section in consultation with the Administration.
    (d)    The Maryland Environmental Service, the Maryland Economic Development Corporation, and other State economic development units shall cooperate with the Center and may make available to the Center resources and expertise for the evaluation of project financing and coordination of financing between the Center and other economic development units.