Maryland Statutes
Part II - Maryland Clean Energy Center
Section 10-806 - Established

(a)    There is a Maryland Clean Energy Center.
    (b)    The Center is a body politic and corporate and is an instrumentality of the State.
    (c)    The exercise by the Center of the powers conferred by this subtitle is the performance of an essential governmental function.
    (d)    The purposes of the Center are to:
        (1)    promote economic development and jobs in the advanced clean energy industry and clean energy innovation industry sectors in the State;
        (2)    promote the deployment of advanced clean energy technology and clean energy innovations in the State;
        (3)    serve as an incubator for the development of the advanced clean energy industry and clean energy innovation industry in the State;
        (4)    in collaboration with the Administration, collect, analyze, and disseminate industry data;
        (5)    provide outreach and technical support to further the advanced clean energy industry and clean energy innovation industry in the State; and
        (6)    work as a green bank and in conjunction with local and private green banks.
    (e)    It is the intent of the General Assembly that, as the Center develops programs and activities under this subtitle, the Center and the Administration shall work collaboratively together, as appropriate, in order to coordinate shared–interest functions and avoid duplication of efforts.