(a) In this section, “eligible long–term care premiums” means eligible long–term care premiums within the meaning of § 213(d)(10) of the Internal Revenue Code for a long–term care insurance contract covering an individual who is a Maryland resident.
(b) An individual may claim a credit against the State income tax in an amount equal to 100% of the eligible long–term care premiums paid by the individual during the taxable year for long–term care insurance covering the individual or the individual’s spouse, parent, stepparent, child, or stepchild.
(c) The credit allowed under this section:
(1) may not exceed $500 for each insured covered by long–term care insurance for which the individual pays the premiums;
(2) may not be claimed by more than one taxpayer with respect to the same insured individual; and
(3) may not be claimed with respect to an insured individual if:
(i) the insured individual was covered by long–term care insurance at any time before July 1, 2000; or
(ii) the credit has been claimed with respect to that insured individual by any taxpayer for any prior taxable year.
(d) (1) The total amount of the credit allowed under this section for any taxable year may not exceed the State income tax for that taxable year, calculated before application of the credits under this section and §§ 10–701 and 10–701.1 of this subtitle, but after application of the other credits allowable under this subtitle.
(2) The unused amount of the credit for any taxable year may not be carried over to any other taxable year.
(e) The credit allowed under this section does not affect the treatment under this title of any deduction or exclusion allowed for federal income tax purposes for the eligible long–term care premiums paid by the individual.
(f) On or before December 1, 2005 and each December 1 thereafter, the Comptroller shall report to the Governor and, subject to § 2–1257 of the State Government Article, to the General Assembly, regarding the credit allowed under this section, including:
(1) the number of individuals who have claimed the credit, the amount allowed as credits, and the additional number of individuals covered by long–term care insurance as a result of the credit; and
(2) the savings under the State’s Medical Assistance Program as a result of additional individuals being covered by long–term care insurance as a result of the credit.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 7 - Income Tax Credits
Section 10-701 - Income Tax Withholdings and Estimated Tax Payments Made
Section 10-701.1 - For Tax Paid Under 10-102.1 of This Title
Section 10-702 - For Wages Paid in Enterprise Zone
Section 10-703 - For Tax Paid by Resident to Another State
Section 10-703.2 - Gains From Installment Sale of Property in Another State
Section 10-704 - For Earned Income
Section 10-704.1 - For Purchase of Maryland-Mined Coal
Section 10-704.5 - For Certified Rehabilitation
Section 10-704.6 - For Neighborhood and Community Assistance
Section 10-704.8 - For New Job Creating Businesses
Section 10-705 - Evidence of Entitlement Required
Section 10-706 - Effect of Credit on County and State Income Tax Computation
Section 10-707 - For Residential Real Estate Property Tax
Section 10-709 - Low Income Tax Credit
Section 10-710 - For Long-Term Care Insurance
Section 10-714 - One Maryland Economic Development Tax Credits
Section 10-715 - For Providing Employee Commuter Benefits
Section 10-716 - For Child Care or Dependent Care
Section 10-718 - Eligible Long-Term Care Premiums
Section 10-719 - Costs of Energy Storage Systems
Section 10-720 - Electricity Produced From Qualified Energy Resources
Section 10-721 - Qualified Research and Development Expenses
Section 10-722 - Green Buildings
Section 10-723 - Preservation and Conservation Easements
Section 10-724 - For Aquaculture Oyster Floats
Section 10-724.1 - Oyster Shell Recycling
Section 10-725 - Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit
Section 10-726 - Cellulosic Ethanol Technology
Section 10-730 - Film Production Activity Tax Credit
Section 10-733 - Innovation Investment Incentive Tax Credit
Section 10-733.1 - Purchase of Cybersecurity Technology and Cybersecurity Service
Section 10-734 - Qualified Vehicles
Section 10-734.1 - Qualified Vehicle -- Modification and Extension
Section 10-736 - Donations to Qualified Permanent Endowment Funds at Eligible Community Foundations
Section 10-738 - Physician Preceptor in a Preceptorship Program
Section 10-739 - Nurse Practitioner or Licensed Physician in Preceptorship Program
Section 10-740 - Student Loan Debt Relief Tax Credit
Section 10-741 - More Jobs for Marylanders Program Tax Credit
Section 10-744 - Independent Living Tax Credit
Section 10-745 - Food Donation Program for Qualifying Farms
Section 10-746 - Hunting and Harvesting of Antlerless Deer
Section 10-748 - Small Business Relief Tax Credit
Section 10-749 - Qualified Workforce Housing Project
Section 10-751 - Earned Income Credit Against State Income Tax for Qualified Children -- Reductions
Section 10-753 - Tax Credit for Catalytic Revitalization Projects