Maryland Statutes
Part IV - Purpose and Administration of Fund
Section 10-318 - Surplus

(a)    (1)    The State Treasurer shall invest surplus money of the Fund in any security in which a savings bank may invest under State law.
        (2)    If the State Treasurer invests in a certificate of deposit, it shall:
            (i)    be interest bearing;
            (ii)    be issued by:
                1.    a bank located and authorized to do business in the State;
                2.    a national banking association located in the State; or
                3.    a trust company located and authorized to do business in the State; and
            (iii)    be secured in full by a pledge of a direct obligation of the State or United States.
    (b)    If sale of a security in which money of the Fund is invested is in the best interest of the Fund, the State Treasurer may sell the security.