(a) The Fund shall consist of:
(1) the money credited to the Fund under Title 9 of this article;
(2) income from investments that the State Treasurer makes for the Fund; and
(3) interest on deposits or investments of money from the Fund.
(b) Subject to subsection (d) of this section, the Director shall use the Fund to pay:
(1) each award under Title 9 of this article charged against the Fund;
(2) the amount that the Director authorizes for an expert or witness hired under § 10–310(c) of this subtitle;
(3) other proper charges that the Director authorizes;
(4) whenever an employer who is self–insured in accordance with § 9–404 or § 9–405 of this article becomes insolvent, any outstanding obligations of the employer; and
(5) hearing loss claims for retirees of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation.
(c) The liability of the Board, Director, Fund, State Treasurer, and State for all proper charges against the Fund is limited to the assets of the Fund.
(d) Beginning in fiscal year 2021, the Director may use the Fund to pay for the administration of the Fund only if an appropriation is included in the State budget for this purpose.