Maryland Statutes
Title 10 - State of Maryland Deposit Insurance Fund Corporation
Section 10-120 - Accrual of Certain Rights, Claims, and Liabilities of Fund to Successor Agency or Maryland Department of Labor

(a)    In addition to any other remedies available at law or equity, the Fund is vested with all claims and rights of the former Maryland Savings–Share Insurance Corporation against any person.
    (b)    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in any action of the Fund as insurer, subrogee, conservator, or receiver against a shareholder, director, officer, employee, agent, or other person contributing to a loss at a member association or to enforce the terms of a net worth certificate or similar obligation:
        (1)    A judgment obtained by the Fund shall have priority over any other judgment lien on a defendant’s real or personal property without need for further perfection or execution thereon;
        (2)    All attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses of the Fund for the litigation shall be assessed as part of any judgment in favor of the Fund; and
        (3)    All money recovered by the Fund as insurer or subrogee shall be first applied to repay any monetary advance by the State to the Fund, including any and all fees, costs, and expenses, to further the purposes of this title. Money so recovered shall be placed in a separate account and shall be transferred as specified under § 10–110.2 of this subtitle. The separate account is not subject to attachment or other judicial process by any person.
    (c)    All rights, claims, and liabilities of the Fund accrue to any successor entity and, if a successor entity is not created by law, to the Maryland Department of Labor.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Financial Institutions

Title 10 - State of Maryland Deposit Insurance Fund Corporation

Section 10-101 - Definitions

Section 10-102 - Corporation Established

Section 10-103 - Appointment, Term, and Powers of Fund Director; Board of Directors

Section 10-103.1 - Advisory Function of Board

Section 10-104 - Employees

Section 10-105 - Authority of Secretary

Section 10-106 - Official Seal

Section 10-107 - Fund Director to Devote Full Time to Duties of Fund

Section 10-108 - Conflicts of Interest -- in General

Section 10-109 - Conflicts of Interest -- Other Prohibited Activities

Section 10-110 - State of Maryland Deposit Insurance Fund

Section 10-110.1 - Final Determination of Insurable Loss

Section 10-110.2 - Advances by State to Fund; Money Recovered by Fund

Section 10-111 - Membership -- Applications; Certification by Division Director

Section 10-112 - Membership -- Effective Upon Approval; Withdrawal; Accumulated Earnings Retained

Section 10-113 - Rules and Regulations; Withdrawal From Fund

Section 10-114 - Exchange of Information

Section 10-115 - Application of State Insurance Laws

Section 10-116 - Appropriation Policy

Section 10-117 - Eligibility for Membership -- Major Associations

Section 10-118 - Eligibility for Membership -- Other Associations

Section 10-119 - Penalty for Submitting False Information

Section 10-120 - Accrual of Certain Rights, Claims, and Liabilities of Fund to Successor Agency or Maryland Department of Labor

Section 10-121 - Defense of Sovereign Immunity