Maryland Statutes
Title 10 - State of Maryland Deposit Insurance Fund Corporation
Section 10-118 - Eligibility for Membership -- Other Associations

(a)    (1)    An association that is not a major association and had total assets of at least $15,000,000 but less than $40,000,000 as of May 18, 1985, is not eligible for new or continued membership in the Fund on or after July 1, 1987.
        (2)    An association that is not a major association and has total assets of less than $15,000,000 or had total assets of less than $15,000,000 as of May 18, 1985, is not eligible for new or continued membership in the Fund on or after July 1, 1989.
    (b)    Notwithstanding subsection (a)(1) of this section, an association is eligible for continued membership in the Fund beyond its scheduled date of termination, but in no event beyond October 30, 1987, if the Fund Director and the Secretary of Labor find:
        (1)    The association has made a good faith effort to obtain insurance from the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or other federal agency;
        (2)    There is a substantial likelihood that the association will qualify for federal insurance;
        (3)    The failure to obtain federal insurance is not attributable to unjustified delay on the part of the association; and
        (4)    The interest of the savings account holders will not be jeopardized.
    (c)    Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, if a proceeding has been instituted under Title 9, Subtitle 7 of this article, the association shall remain a member of the Fund until conclusion of the proceedings.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Financial Institutions

Title 10 - State of Maryland Deposit Insurance Fund Corporation

Section 10-101 - Definitions

Section 10-102 - Corporation Established

Section 10-103 - Appointment, Term, and Powers of Fund Director; Board of Directors

Section 10-103.1 - Advisory Function of Board

Section 10-104 - Employees

Section 10-105 - Authority of Secretary

Section 10-106 - Official Seal

Section 10-107 - Fund Director to Devote Full Time to Duties of Fund

Section 10-108 - Conflicts of Interest -- in General

Section 10-109 - Conflicts of Interest -- Other Prohibited Activities

Section 10-110 - State of Maryland Deposit Insurance Fund

Section 10-110.1 - Final Determination of Insurable Loss

Section 10-110.2 - Advances by State to Fund; Money Recovered by Fund

Section 10-111 - Membership -- Applications; Certification by Division Director

Section 10-112 - Membership -- Effective Upon Approval; Withdrawal; Accumulated Earnings Retained

Section 10-113 - Rules and Regulations; Withdrawal From Fund

Section 10-114 - Exchange of Information

Section 10-115 - Application of State Insurance Laws

Section 10-116 - Appropriation Policy

Section 10-117 - Eligibility for Membership -- Major Associations

Section 10-118 - Eligibility for Membership -- Other Associations

Section 10-119 - Penalty for Submitting False Information

Section 10-120 - Accrual of Certain Rights, Claims, and Liabilities of Fund to Successor Agency or Maryland Department of Labor

Section 10-121 - Defense of Sovereign Immunity