Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Promotion of Use and Sale of Agricultural Commodity
Section 10-111 - Deduction of Assessments by Purchasers of Agricultural Commodities

(a)    As an alternate method for the collection of assessments under § 10–110 of this subtitle, and upon the request of a certified agency, the Secretary shall notify, by registered letter, any person engaged in the business of purchasing any agricultural commodity in the State that the assessments shall be deducted by the purchaser, or the purchaser’s agent or representative, from the purchase price of the agricultural commodity.
    (b)    (1)    The deducted assessment shall be remitted by the purchaser to the certified agency as directed by the Secretary.
        (2)    A certified agency may initiate judicial proceedings in the circuit court of the county where the agricultural commodity was purchased if a purchaser fails to remit the deducted assessment required under paragraph (1) of this subsection.
    (c)    The books and records of a purchaser of any agricultural commodity shall be open for inspection by the Secretary or the certified agency that conducted the referendum for the agricultural commodity at any time during regular business hours.