Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 1 - Promotion of Use and Sale of Agricultural Commodity
Section 10-104 - Application for Certification and Approval as Agency to Conduct Referendum; Issuance of Certification

(a)    Any association, council, board, or other agency fairly representative of persons qualifying as voters may apply to the Secretary for certification and approval to conduct a referendum among the persons qualifying as voters on the question of levying an assessment, and collecting and utilizing the proceeds for the purposes stated in the referendum.
    (b)    Upon the filing of the application the Secretary shall consider the application within 90 days. If the Secretary finds that the applicant is fairly representative of and has been duly chosen and delegated as representative of the persons qualifying as voters, and otherwise finds and determines that the application conforms to the provisions of this article and its purposes, he shall certify the association, council, board, or other agency as the certified agency of the persons qualifying as voters.