Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Trademarks, Service Marks, and Trade Names
Section 1-411 - Assignment

(a)    A mark and its registration may be assigned with:
        (1)    the good will of the business that uses the mark; or
        (2)    that part of the good will of the business connected with the mark.
    (b)    The assignment shall be by a written, signed instrument.
    (c)    A person may record the assignment of registration of a mark by:
        (1)    submitting the instrument of assignment by an officer of the assignor to the Secretary of State; and
        (2)    paying to the Secretary of State a fee of $10.
    (d)    The Secretary of State shall record an assignment of the registration of a mark and issue a new certificate of registration in the name of the assignee to each person who meets the requirements of this section.
    (e)    The term of assignment is the rest of the term of registration of the mark.
    (f)    An assignment of the registration of a mark under this subtitle is void against a subsequent purchaser for valuable consideration without notice of the assignment unless the assignment is recorded with the Secretary of State:
        (1)    within 3 months after the date of the assignment; or
        (2)    before the subsequent purchase.