Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 4 - Trademarks, Service Marks, and Trade Names
Section 1-406 - Applications for Registration

(a)    An applicant for registration of a mark shall:
        (1)    submit to the Secretary of State:
            (i)    an application on the form that the Secretary of State provides; and
            (ii)    3 different specimens or reproductions of the mark as used; and
        (2)    pay to the Secretary of State a fee of $50.
    (b)    A specimen or reproduction submitted under subsection (a) of this section may not include a business paper, including letterhead, a business card, or an envelope.
    (c)    An application shall be signed, under oath, and the original submitted under subsection (a) of this section:
        (1)    for an individual, by the individual;
        (2)    for a partnership, by a partner; or
        (3)    for a corporation or association, by an officer of the corporation or association.
    (d)    In addition to any other information required on an application form, the form shall require:
        (1)    the name of the applicant;
        (2)    the business address of the applicant;
        (3)    for an applicant that is a corporation, limited liability company, or partnership, the state of formation;
        (4)    a description of the full mark including words, if applicable;
        (5)    a description of the goods or services with which the applicant uses the mark;
        (6)    a listing of the ways the mark is being used, including on uniforms, advertising, banners, the Internet, signs, vehicles, and packaging;
        (7)    the class under § 1–405 of this subtitle to which the goods or services belong;
        (8)    the date when the applicant or the applicant’s predecessor in business:
            (i)    first used the mark anywhere; and
            (ii)    first used the mark in the State; and
        (9)    a statement that:
            (i)    the applicant owns the mark;
            (ii)    another person does not have the right to use the mark in the State; and
            (iii)    the mark is not deceptively similar to a mark that another person has a right to use in the State.
    (e)    A single application for registration of a mark:
        (1)    may cover use of the mark with any number of goods or services in a single class; but
        (2)    may not cover use of the mark with goods or services in different classes.