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Subtitle 1 - Definitions; General Provisions
Section 8-101 - Definitions - (a) In this title the following words have the meanings...
Section 8-102 - Duty and Rights - (a) Each adult citizen of this State has: (1) The...
Section 8-103 - Qualification Criteria - (a) Notwithstanding § 8–102 of this subtitle, an individual qualifies...
Section 8-104 - Selection Policy - Each jury for a county shall be selected at random...
Section 8-105 - Disclosure of Information - (a) A custodian, as defined in § 4–101(d) of the...
Section 8-106 - Construction - (a) Nothing in this title restricts the inherent authority of...
Subtitle 2 - Jury Plan
Section 8-201 - Required - Each circuit court shall have a written plan for jury...
Section 8-202 - Rules - The Court of Appeals may adopt rules to govern the...
Section 8-203 - Changes - (a) (1) A circuit court may propose to the Court...
Section 8-204 - Required Provisions -- Jury Judge - (a) Each jury plan shall designate a jury judge. (b)...
Section 8-205 - Required Provisions -- Jury Commissioner - (a) Each jury plan shall designate a jury commissioner. (b)...
Section 8-206 - Required Provisions -- Source Pool - (a) Each jury plan shall provide for a source pool...
Section 8-207 - Required Provisions -- Prospective and Qualified Juror Pools - (a) Each jury plan shall set intervals for creation of...
Section 8-208 - Required Provisions -- Service - Each jury plan shall set the method by which summonses...
Section 8-209 - Required Provisions -- Allocation of Qualified Jurors - Each jury plan shall set the method by which the...
Section 8-210 - Required Provisions -- Changes for Jury Judge's Attention - Each jury plan shall detail changes of information as to...
Section 8-211 - Required Provisions -- Grand Jury Forepersons - Each jury plan shall set the method by which a...
Section 8-212 - Authorized Provisions -- Juror Qualification Forms - The jury plan for a county may state any question,...
Section 8-213 - Authorized Provisions -- Agreements - The jury plan of a circuit court may provide for...
Section 8-214 - Authorized Provisions -- Unified Qualification and Summonsing - A jury plan may set a single procedure for qualification...
Section 8-215 - Authorized Provisions -- Disqualification, Excusal, and Exemption of Prospective or Qualified Jurors and Rescheduling of Service - The jury plan for a county may enable its jury...
Section 8-216 - Authorized Provisions -- Frequency of Service - A jury plan may provide that, notwithstanding the limit on...
Section 8-217 - Authorized Provisions -- Donation Programs - A jury plan may create a program for donation of...
Subtitle 3 - Prospective and Qualified Jurors
Part I - Prospective Jurors
Section 8-301 - Prospective Juror Pool - (a) At each interval set in a jury plan for...
Section 8-302 - Initial Questions - (a) In accordance with an agreement, if any, under §...
Section 8-303 - Alteration of Form - Whenever it seems to a jury commissioner that there is...
Section 8-304 - Interview - (a) Whenever a person fails to return a completed juror...
Section 8-305 - Additional Questioning - Whenever a person appears for jury service, a jury commissioner...
Section 8-306 - Bases for Exemptions - An individual is exempt from jury service only if the...
Part II - Qualified Jurors
Section 8-309 - Qualified Juror - An individual who is not disqualified, excused, or exempted under...
Section 8-310 - Qualified Juror Pool - (a) (1) At each interval set in a jury plan...
Section 8-311 - Supplemental Questionnaire - At the request of a trial judge, a jury commissioner...
Part III - Records
Section 8-314 - Records - (a) A jury commissioner shall document each addition or other...
Subtitle 4 - Juries
Part I - In General
Section 8-401 - Summons - (a) Whenever a grand or trial jury is needed, a...
Section 8-402 - Disqualification, Excusal, or Exemption From or Postponement of Duty - (a) Subject to the requirements of this section, a jury...
Section 8-403 - Multiple Service - An individual may not be required to serve simultaneously: (1)...
Section 8-404 - Disqualification by Trial Judge - (a) Notwithstanding § 8–103(a) of this title, a trial judge...
Section 8-405 - Temporary Excusal of Sworn Jurors - A trial judge may: (1) Excuse a sworn juror temporarily;...
Part II - Challenges
Section 8-408 - In Civil Case - (a) This section sets forth the exclusive procedure by which...
Section 8-409 - In Criminal Case - (a) This section sets forth the exclusive procedure by which...
Part III - Grand Jury
Section 8-412 - Number of Jurors - (a) When sworn, a grand jury shall consist of 23...
Section 8-413 - Additional Grand Juries - In addition to any grand jury that a jury plan...
Section 8-414 - Attendees - (a) A court reporter whom a jury judge orders under...
Section 8-415 - Oaths - (a) Each grand juror shall take an oath in substantially...
Section 8-416 - Record - (a) A court reporter ordered to take testimony given before...
Section 8-417 - Baltimore City Investigations and Reports - (a) This section applies only to a grand jury for...
Part IV - Trial Jury
Section 8-420 - Peremptory Challenges in Criminal Cases - (a) (1) This subsection applies only in a criminal trial...
Section 8-421 - Minimum Size of Jury and Array - (a) In a civil case in which a jury trial...
Section 8-422 - Separation or Sequestration - At any time before or after submission of a case...
Part V - Reimbursement
Section 8-425 - "Per Diem" Defined - In this Part V of this subtitle, “per diem” means...
Section 8-426 - Amount - (a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, an individual...
Section 8-427 - Local Levy and Supplement - (a) (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the...
Section 8-428 - State Budget - The State budget for the Judicial Branch for each fiscal...
Section 8-429 - Certificate of Jury Commissioner - The jury commissioner of a circuit court shall issue to...
Section 8-430 - Donation - Prospective, qualified, or sworn jurors may donate their per diem...
Subtitle 5 - Prohibited Acts; Penalties
Section 8-501 - Employment Loss - (a) An employer may not deprive an individual of employment...
Section 8-502 - Leave - (a) An employer may not require an employee to use...
Section 8-503 - Failure to Return Completed Juror Qualification Form - (a) A person who is summoned for jury service under...
Section 8-504 - Failure to Appear for Jury Service - (a) A person may not fail to appear for jury...
Section 8-505 - Failure to Complete Jury Service - (a) A person who is summoned for jury service under...
Section 8-506 - Material Misrepresentation - (a) A person may not willfully misrepresent a material fact...
Section 8-507 - Grand Jury Secrecy - (a) A person may not disclose any content of a...