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Part I - Prospective Jurors
Section 8-301 - Prospective Juror Pool - (a) At each interval set in a jury plan for...
Section 8-302 - Initial Questions - (a) In accordance with an agreement, if any, under §...
Section 8-303 - Alteration of Form - Whenever it seems to a jury commissioner that there is...
Section 8-304 - Interview - (a) Whenever a person fails to return a completed juror...
Section 8-305 - Additional Questioning - Whenever a person appears for jury service, a jury commissioner...
Section 8-306 - Bases for Exemptions - An individual is exempt from jury service only if the...
Part II - Qualified Jurors
Section 8-309 - Qualified Juror - An individual who is not disqualified, excused, or exempted under...
Section 8-310 - Qualified Juror Pool - (a) (1) At each interval set in a jury plan...
Section 8-311 - Supplemental Questionnaire - At the request of a trial judge, a jury commissioner...
Part III - Records
Section 8-314 - Records - (a) A jury commissioner shall document each addition or other...