Maine Revised Statutes
36 §993. Arrest; notice; procedure; fees

§993. Arrest; notice; procedure; fees
If any resident or nonresident taxpayer assessed in accordance with this chapter, for 12 days after demand, refuses or neglects to pay his tax and to show the tax collector sufficient goods and chattels to pay it, such officer may arrest him in the county where found and commit him there to jail, until he pays it or is discharged by law.   [PL 1975, c. 623, §56 (AMD).]
If the tax collector thinks that there are just grounds to fear that such person may abscond before the end of said 12 days, the tax collector may demand immediate payment and, on failure to pay, he may commit such person as provided.  
For commitment for nonpayment of taxes, the tax collector shall have the same fees as sheriffs have for levying executions, but his travel shall be computed only from his dwelling house to the place of commitment.  
PL 1965, c. 425, §20C (AMD). PL 1975, c. 623, §56 (AMD).