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36 §991. Distraint for taxes; procedure; sale - §991. Distraint for taxes; procedure; sale If any resident or...
36 §992. Disposition of surplus - §992. Disposition of surplus The officer, after deducting the tax...
36 §993. Arrest; notice; procedure; fees - §993. Arrest; notice; procedure; fees If any resident or nonresident...
36 §994. Collector may issue warrant of distress to sheriff - §994. Collector may issue warrant of distress to sheriff Any...
36 §995. Warrant of distress; service, notice, fees - §995. Warrant of distress; service, notice, fees Before the officer...
36 §996. Distraint before tax due to prevent loss - §996. Distraint before tax due to prevent loss When a...
36 §997. Arrest and commitment; procedure - §997. Arrest and commitment; procedure When a tax collector or...
36 §998. Collector liable unless he commits within one year - §998. Collector liable unless he commits within one year When...