§563. Forest land; policy
It is declared to be the public policy of the State, by which all officials of the State and of its municipal subdivisions are to be guided in the performance of their official duties, to encourage by the maintenance of adequate incentive the operation of all forest lands on a sustained yield basis by their owners, and to establish and maintain uniformity in methods of assessment for purposes of taxation according to the productivity of the land, giving due weight in the determination of assessed value to location and public facilities as factors contributing to advantage in operation.
Structure Maine Revised Statutes
36 §554. Mortgaged real estate; taxes; payment
36 §555. Tenants in common and joint tenants
36 §557. Assessment; continued until notice of transfer
36 §557-A. Assessment; unknown owner
36 §558. Taxes prorated between seller and purchaser
36 §558-A. Liability for failure to pay prorated property taxes