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36 §551. Real estate; defined - §551. Real estate; defined Real estate, for the purposes of...
36 §552. -- tax lien - §552. -- tax lien There shall be a lien to...
36 §553. -- where taxed - §553. -- where taxed All real estate shall be taxed...
36 §554. Mortgaged real estate; taxes; payment - §554. Mortgaged real estate; taxes; payment In cases of mortgaged...
36 §555. Tenants in common and joint tenants - §555. Tenants in common and joint tenants A tenant in...
36 §556. Landlord and tenant - §556. Landlord and tenant When a tenant paying rent for...
36 §557. Assessment; continued until notice of transfer - §557. Assessment; continued until notice of transfer When assessors continue...
36 §557-A. Assessment; unknown owner - §557-A. Assessment; unknown owner In the case of real property...
36 §558. Taxes prorated between seller and purchaser - §558. Taxes prorated between seller and purchaser A purchaser of...
36 §558-A. Liability for failure to pay prorated property taxes - §558-A. Liability for failure to pay prorated property taxes 1....
36 §559. Deceased persons - §559. Deceased persons Until notice is given to the assessors...
36 §560. Bank's real estate - §560. Bank's real estate All real estate, including vaults and...
36 §561. Railroad buildings - §561. Railroad buildings The buildings of every railroad corporation or...
36 §562. Standing wood, bark and timber; taxed to purchaser - §562. Standing wood, bark and timber; taxed to purchaser Whenever...
36 §563. Forest land; policy - §563. Forest land; policy It is declared to be the...
36 §564. -- assessment - §564. -- assessment An assessment of forest land for purposes...
36 §565. Forestry Appeal Board (REPEALED) - §565. Forestry Appeal Board (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1965, c....