§1078. Owner's right to redeem
Any person to whom the right by law belongs may, at any time within 2 years from the day of sale, redeem any real estate sold for taxes on paying into the municipal treasury for the purchaser the full amount certified to be due, including taxes, costs and charges, with interest on the whole at the rate of 8% a year from the date of the sale, which shall be received and held by said treasurer as the property of the purchaser aforesaid. The treasurer shall pay it to said purchaser, his heirs or assigns, on demand. If not paid when demanded, the purchaser may recover it in any court of competent jurisdiction, with costs and interest at the rate of 8%, after such demand. The sureties of the treasurer shall pay the same on failure of said treasurer. In default of payment by either, the municipality shall pay the same with costs and interest as provided.
Structure Maine Revised Statutes
36 §1071. Collector's tax auction sale; notice; procedure
36 §1073. Notice to owners of time and place of sale
36 §1074. Sale; procedure; costs
36 §1075. Collector's return of sale; form
36 §1076. Purchaser to notify mortgagee of sale; right of redemption
36 §1077. Purchaser's failure to pay in 20 days voids sale
36 §1078. Owner's right to redeem
36 §1079. Refund of taxes paid by purchaser
36 §1080. Delivery of deed to purchaser after 2 years
36 §1081. Nonresident owner's action; time limit
36 §1082. Municipal officers may bid at sale
36 §1083. Collector's deed; prima facie evidence of validity of sale